Topic 4 - Labour Markets Flashcards
What is the ‘Unemployment Rate (%) formula?
No. of persons unemployed
—————————————- x (100/1)
Total labour force
What are the 8 different types of Unemployment?
Cyclical, Structural, Long-term, Seasonal, Frictional, Hard-Core, Hidden, and Underemployment.
Why does Cyclical unemployment occur?
How is it reduced?
Cyclical unemployment is caused by a downturn in the demand for the business’s goods and services.
Can be reduced when there is an upturn in the business cycle, such as aggregate demand rising for the goods and services.
What causes Structural unemployment?
Explain the main factor of structural unemployment increasing. (Hint: Industries/technology)
Structural unemployment occurs from the mismatch of skills demanded by employers and those possessed by unemployed people or machines/technology at cheaper rates.
Who classifies into Long-Term unemployment and how did they end up in this position?
An individual must be unemployed for a period of 12 months or more.
Commonly seen from long-term effects of cyclical or structural unemployment.
List the 4 ways in which Government Intervention can occur.
Note: First 3 are related to the workplace
1) Establish minimum wage levels
2) Resolve industrial disputes
3) Set minimum conditions for working conditions.
4) Removing unnecessary regulations and restrictions.
What does an increase in demand for labour, in relation to G&S, and output of the firm lead to?
(3 factors)
The demand for labour is reliant on the demand for goods and services.
1) Output of the firm ↑
2) Productivity of labour ↑
3) Costs of other inputs ↑
What does a decrease in demand for labour lead to?
5 factors
The supply of labour is reliant on individuals who are ready and willing to work.
1) Pay and remuneration ↓
2) Working conditions ↓
3) Mobility of occupation ↓
4) Participation rate ↓
5) Human capital of skills/experience/education ↑
List the 7 employment trends/examples evident in the Australian Labour Market.
(Und___, Un___, etc.)
1) Unemployment 2) Underemployment
3) Part-time work 4) Casualisation of work
5) Outsourcing 6) Contractors
7) Sub-contracting
1) What a Trade Union is and its role for w___s.
2) Impact on the supply of labour (Shift L/R)
1) An association of workers that presents employee’s interests to the government. AIms for increased wage outcomes, better work conditions and issues.
2) Shifts supply of labour left, increasing wage rates but decreasing quantity of labour.
1) What an Employer Association is and its role for employers.
2) Impact on the labour market (Shift L/R)
1) Collective group of employers which represent their interests to the government and solving industrial issues.
2) Shifts supply of labour right, increasing wage rates and quantity of labour.
Distinguish between a formal and informal employment contract.
Formal: Fixed agreement of wage conditions already set by the government.
Informal: Personal agreement made between employee and employer with specific requirements.
Explain what a Modern Award is.
Is it formal or informal?
A legal, safety net of minimum wages and working conditions for employees already set by the FWC.
It is a formal agreement.
Explain what an Enterprise Agreement is. Is it formal or informal?
Which test must it pass?
A FORMAL agreement is negotiated collectively through enterprise agreements with a group of employees and an employer.
Must pass the BOOT (Best off Overall test).
Explain what a Common law Contract is.
Is it formal or informal?
An informal contract made personally between an employer and employee. Generally offers ‘add-ons’ from previous awards set.
Describe the supply of the labour curve.
What type of curve is it and how does it affect the behaviour of labour workers?
Individuals who are ready and willing to work in the labour market.
An upward sloping curve: The higher the wage rate, the greater amt. of individuals willing to work for that extra pay.
Describe the demand for the labour curve.
What type of curve is it and how does it affect the behaviour of labour workers?
Firms make up the demand for labour through the demand for their G&S. Increase in demand will lead to an increase in output.
A downward sloping curve: Lower the wage rate for workers, the more firms will be willing to employ more labour.
What causes Frictional unemployment?
How can this process be improved/more efficient?
The time-lag as people move between jobs due to changing economic circumstances.
Improved through: Job placement services, and entering new industries with high demand.
Which type of employee classifies into Underemployment?
What do these labour resources represent? (Un___uti___)
Individuals working in part-time or casual jobs but would prefer to work more hours.
Represents the under-utilised labour resources not working to their full potential.
What causes Seasonal unemployment?
Provide an example of this occurring in the workforce.
Occurs in industries with seasonal natures of work, leading to temporary unemployment.
An example is holiday-featured jobs such as Santa dress-up, easter egg production also increases.
Explain how someone classifies into ‘Hidden unemployment’
How does an economic downturn affect hidden unemployment? (P___ R___ ↑/ ↓ )
Individuals who are not counted in the official unemployment stats due to going back to education.
Rises during an economic downturn as participation rates decrease.
List and explain the 4 types of Trade Unions in Australia.
1) Occupational - Covers workers in specific jobs
2) Industry-Based - Covers a particular industry
3) Enterprise-based - Represents workers in 1 large enterprise
4) General - Covers all kinds of workers.
List the 2 important employer associations (BCA & ACCI)
State the three functions they are involved in for employers.
1) Business Council of Australia (BCA)
2) Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI)
- Involved in employer’s wage negotiations, interests and general assistance.
What would most likely occur if the cost of labour rises relative to capital?
Firms will substitute capital for labour in production.