Topic 4 key terms(everyday banking) Flashcards
definition:Annual equivalent rate is the interest that will be earned on the money in one year.Takes into account how often the provider pays the interest
definition:cash machine
Basic bank account
definition:a current account that allows people to store their money as an electronic balance and make payments by direct debit
budget surplus
definition:a sum of money available once all the essential expenditure in a given period has been made
cash card
definition:a card used to withdraw cash from ATMs
definition:a written instruction to the provider to pay a specified amount to a specified person or organisation
current account
definition:a bank or building society account where people can store their money in the form of electronic balance and withdraw to make payments
debit cards
definition:used to withdraw money make face to face transactions and make payments online or in shops
direct credit
definition:electronic payment into an account for example salary or benefits
direct debit
definition:electronic payment out of an account,amount and frequency of direct debit can vary
definition:Her majesty’s revenue and customs-organisation that collects taxes on behalf of government
definition:Money either paid to an account holder by the provider or charged to the account holder by provider,paid onto savings and current accounts and charged on some borrowings
Money laundering
definition:process of making ‘dirty’ money(gained by criminal offences) ‘clean’
office of fair trade
definition:the government department that monitored how businesses compete with eachother,responsibility shared between financial conduct authority and competition and markets authority
definition:a facility that allows an account holder to withdraw more money than they have in there accounts
packaged account
definition:a current account that offers extra benefits such as travel insurance,for which the account holder pays a monthly fee
premier account
definition:a current account that offers additional benefits,such as a personal banker,for wealthy customers who earn more than certain level
prepaid card
definition:a card that has to have money credited to it before card holder can use it to pay for goods,once run out can get it topped up again
standing order
definition:electronic payment out of an account they are used to make regular payments of same amount
definition:record of the transaction on an account,issued at regular intervals
student account
definition:designed for students in higher education that charges low interest or no interest on overdrafts and can offer benefits
buying or selling something
youth account
definition:current account designed for people under 18,no overdraft facility and not allowed to borrow