Topic 4- Egyptian Civilization Flashcards
Who was the king of Upper Egypt in 3100 B.C?
What region did the lower Egypt cover?
It covered the delta region where the Nile empties into the Mediterranean.
Where did Upper Egypt stretch from/to?
It stretched from the Nile’s first cataract to within 100 miles of the Mediterranean Sea.
What is a delta?
A triangular area of marchland formed by deposits of silt at the mouths of some rivers.
What is a cataract?
A waterfall.
What were the two regions in ancient Egypt and where were they located?
- Upper Egypt: in the south.
- Lower Egypt: in the north.
How did Egyptians control the Nile floods?
They built dykes, reservoirs, and irrigation ditches to chanmnel the rising river and store water fro the dry seasons.
Why did Egyptians in ancient times eagerly await the annual flood from the rains that fed the Nile River?
It soaked the land with life-giving water and deposited a layer of rich silt, or soil.
Farmers tool advantage of the fertile soil of the Nile Valley. What did they grow?
Wheat and flax, a plant whose fibers were used for clothing.
What was a benefit and disadvantage of Egypt being surrounded by desert?
Benefit: The desert protected Egypt from invasion.
Disadvantage: The desert limited where people could settle.
What did the ancient Greek Historian, Herodotus say about Egypt?
“Egypt, is wholly the gift of the Nile”
When did Menes, the king of Upper Egypt, unite Upper and Lower Egypt?
About 3100 B.C.
What was the Nile used as?
A highway linking north and south and a trade route.
Egyptian merchants traveled up and down the Nile in sailboats and barges. Where did they bring products from?
Africa, the Middle East, and Mediterranean world.
What are the three main periods of ancient Egypt?
- Old Kingdom (about 2575 B.C.-2130 B.C.)
- Middle Kingdom (about 1938 B.C.-1075 B.C.)
- New Kingdom (about 1539 B.C.-1075 B.C.)
What did Egyptian rulers (who were later called pharaohs) do?
Organized a strong, centralized state.
Pharaohs claimed divine support for their rule? (True or False)
Egyptians believed the pharaoh was a god. (True or False)
Who did pharaohs depend on to supervise the government?
A vizier, or chief minister.
What was the vizier responsible for?
The vizier headed the bureaucracy, or government departments, that looked after matters such as tax collection, farming, and the all-important irrigation system.
Thousands of scribes carried out the vizier’s instructions. (True or False)
What was the name of the vizier who trained young official?
Ptah-hotep. He wrote the book “Instructions of the Vizier Ptah-hotep.
Why was the Old Kingdom at times called the Pyramid Age?
Because during this time, the Egyptians built the majestic pyramids that still stand at Gaza, near present day Cairo.
What were tombs within pyramids considered?
They were considered homes in which the deceased would live for eternity.
Why did Egyptians preserve the bodies of their dead ruler and provided them with everything they would need in their new lives?
Because they believed in the afterlife.
To complete the pyramids, workers hauled and lifted millions of limestone blocks, some weighing as much as 15 tons each. How did workers get the stones to the site where they were building pyramids?
Workers carried each stone by hand, pulled them on sleds to the site and hoisted them up earthen ramps to be placed on the slowly rising structure.
Building a pyramid took so many years that often a pharaoh would begin construction on his tomb as soon as he inherited the throne. (True or False)
Who supported in building pyramids?
Thousands of farmers worked on the pyramids when not planting or harvesting crops.
What contributed to the collapse of the Old Kingdom?
Power struggle, crop failures and the cost of building the pyramids.
After more than a century, new pharaohs eventually reunited the land, ushering in which era?
The Middle Kingdom.
What was the Middle Kingdom a turbulent time?
- The nile did not rise as regularly.
- Corruption and rebellions were common.
What region did Egyptians armies occupy?
Part of Nubia, also known as Kush, the gold-rich land to the South.
When did the Hyksos occupy the Nile delta region?
About 1700 B.C.
After more than 100 years of Hyksos rule, new Egyptians leaders rose and drove them out. (True or False)
Which ere began once new Egyptian leaders drove out the Hyksos?
The New Kingdom.
How far did the Egyptian empire reach during the New Kingdom’s height, around 1450 B.C.?
The Egyptian Empire reached as far north as Syria near the Euphrates River.
What was name of the Egyptian queen who reigned from about 1472 B.C. to about 1457 B.C.. Hint: She ruled in the name of a male heir too young to take the throne.
How did Egyptians view kingship?
They viewed kingship as a male privilege.
What did Hatshepsut name herself?
What did Hatshepsut wear as a sign of authority?
A fake beard.
What regions did Hatshepsut encourage trade with?
Eastern Mediterranean lands and along the Red Sea coast of Africa.
Who took over Hatshepsut’s leadership?
Her stepson, Thutmose III, once he reached adulthood.
Thutmose III stretched Egypt’s borders to their greatest extent ever. (True or False)
For how long did Ramses II lead Egypt?
He reigned from 1279 B.C. to 1213 B.C.
Which region did Ramses II bring to Egyptian rule?
After Ramses II, Egyptian power slowly declined. (True or False)
What was acquired from Nubia?
- Ivory
- Cattle
- Slaves
What did Pharaoh Ramses II use to pay his charioteers in his army?
Gold from Nubia.
As Egypt declined, Nubia regained its independence. About 750 B.C., Nubian kings added which region to their own lands?
Who pushed Nubians back from Egypt to their original land?
Who was the chief sun god of Egypt?
Who could conduct certain ceremonies for the sun god?
Egypt was a type of theocracy. What does that mean?
Theocracy: system of government in which the ruler is a religious figure, such as a priest, or rule in the name of God or a god.
Which god and goddess did most Egyptians relate more easily?
God: Osiris
Goddess: Isis
What are hieroglyphics?
Symbols and pictures that represent objects, concepts or sounds.
What is papyrus?
A plant that grows along the Nile that was used for writing since it was a paper-like material.
What is mummification?
The preservation of dead bodies by embalming them and wrapping them in cloth.
Where were many pharaohs of the New Kingdom buried?
In the desolate Valley of the Kings.
People used to rob royal tombs? (True or False)
What were some mathematical and scientific Egyptian advancements?
- Medicines: The use of plant-based or herbal treatments to cure themselves.
- Human Anatomy: The use of mummification.
- Egyptian Calendar: They developed a calendar that had 365 days/ 12 months of 30 days each and 5 days added at the end of each year. It became the basis for our calendar.
- Geometry: Land surveying, Pyramid construction, and measurements.
What was the order of the Egyptian class system?
- Pharaoh + royal family (top of society)
- Government officials, the high priests and high priestesses- who served the gods and goddesses.
- Nobles- who fought the pharaoh’s wars.
- Majority of Egyptians, peasants who worked the land (base of society)
Under Egyptian law, women could inherit property, enter business deals, buy and sell goods, go to court, and obtain a divorce? (True or False)
Egyptian women generally enjoyed a higher status and greater independence than women elsewhere in the ancient world. (True or False)
About 1380 B.C., a young Pharaoh named Akhenaton tried to enforce the worship of only one god, Aton. The pharaoh took the name “Akhenaton” because it means “he who serves Aton”. (True or False)