Topic 4: Banks and Money Flashcards
When was Fed and deposit insurance established?
fed - 1913
deposit insurance - 1933
when was free banking era and when was national banking era
free banking - 1837-1863
NBE - 1864 - 1913
What was the free banking era?
All banks were state chartered - bank licences were granted by states where the banks were located, any bank with sufficient capital could get one.
started in michigan in 1837
made banking industry more competitive
Bank balance sheets during FBE
main assets - loans (mortgages mainly), corporate loans securities, specie (cash)
Main liabilities - banknotes, deposits, capital (equity)
banknotes and deposits were short-term, demandable debt
what were banknotes
each bank could issue its own banknote
they were backed by state and federal bonds (collateral)
allowed banknotes could not exceed value of collateral mark to market
state auditor oversaw printing of each bank’s notes
banks had to pay specie (cash) on demand for bank notes they issued
if bank couldn’t pay specie on demand for banknote, state auditor could close banks and sell bonds and other assets to pay note holders
why were bank notes useful
profitable because of seniorage + debt with 0 interest rate
banks essentially financed themselves with 0 interest using bank notes and then could lend out that money with interest to make interest income
advantages of cheques over banknotes
less subject to theft
no need to give change
cheques grew in importance over banknotes over time
what was bank regulation in the free banking era
sufficient capital needed
sufficient reserves (specie)
allowed bank notes could not exceed mark to market value of collateral
how effective was bank regulation during the free banking era
implementation was uneven across states and often ineffective
banks misrepresented reserves to state auditors
bonds used as collateral for banknote issuance were valued at inflated prices
how were banknotes priced
could be redeemed at the issuing bank at face value
if bank was solvent its banknotes were valued at par at the city where the bank was located (price below par - earn arbitrage profit by redeeming bank note)
bank notes were valued at a discount at other cities because:
cost of travelling to city where bank was located in order to redeem note
probability that bank becomes insolvent during travel time
discount was increasing in travel cost and time
why would a consumer want to use bank notes as opposed to only depositing specie
for liquidity - can pay when travelling so needed as literal money despite not earning interest, because if you deposited you couldn’t spend it
more convenience in carrying notes vs coins around
bank note discount formula
discount = 100 x FV-P/FV
how did discounts vary
discounts could be significant, varied across banks but were equal to mode for most banks
discounts were higher for riskier banks (higher probability of insolvency before note was redeemed)
discounts were larger for new entrants (uncertainty about insolvency)
banks with higher discounts had higher redemptions (low discount notes were kept for transacting and high discount notes were redeemed)
why were higher discount notes redeemed
less safe to keep, would want to withdraw specie instead of risking insolvency
what was the mechanism that kept banks in check (mechanism involving the discount rates)
these high discount notes were not good for transacting
this was good because it was a monitoring mechanism for banks - if they were doing risky things and the discount was higher their notes would be redeemed a lot and not used for transacting which was bad for the bank so therefore it helped keep banks moral hazard in check
therefore moral hazard was kept in check through private initiative - banks that took excessive risk had higher discounts and thus higher redemptions. holders of the banknotes observed risk taking and demanded payment
why was the bank note system inefficient (asymmetric info and liquidity wise)
pricing bank notes required expertise (is the issuing bank close to insolvency? is it taking too much risk?)
expertise was acquired by specialized bank note brokers
asymmetric info between brokers and general public, so there was asymmetric info about the value of money
what was the national banking era
national banks were created with tighter regulation that state banks (higher reserve requirements, supervised by comptroller of the currency)
creation of national currency
bank notes of each national bank backed by federal bonds (collateral)
collateral was deposited with the comptroller of the currency
banknotes printed by comptroller
each national bank had to accept banknotes of other national banks at par value
state bank notes were taxed out of existence
what was the advantage of a national currency
traded at par therefore no expertise in pricing it therefore no symmetric info
money creating however was still decentralized
what was different about cheques than notes
90% of money supply was in chequing accounts by 1890s
secondary market for cheques cannot develop
cheque=claim on individuals account at a bank and on bank itself
cheques value depends on bank AND individual’s solvency
accepted at par during normal times
how were banks made to have no asymmetric info during national banking era i.e. Opaque
Bank note prices:
informative about solvency during free banking era but not during national banking era since traded at par and cheques were also accepted at par during normal times
Stock prices:
became relatively uninformative during NBE
reverse stock splits (high share price)
concentrated shareholdings
banking system during national banking era was designed to function with no asym info in normal times (opacity)
how was moral hazard kept in check without market info during NBE
clearing houses which cleared cheques among their member banks and were well positioned to acquire info and monitor each member bank
how does cheque clearing work
client of bank A issues cheque to client of B
deposits of bank A go down, deposits of bank B go up
assets of bank A go down, assets of bank B go up
A will transfer gold/specie to bank B
how did clearing house monitoring work
membership criteria:
sufficient capital needed to be admitted as clearinghouse member
members subject to periodic audits by clearinghouse
clearinghouses often imposed stronger regulation on their members than public authorities did e.g. higher reserve requirements
members failing to meet criteria were fined and in extreme cases expelled, and expulsion was costly (bad signal on a bank’s solvency)
how did clearing houses work during crises
members facing customer withdrawals could request loan certificates from clearinghouse which were used instead of cash in clearing process. freed up cash was used to meet customer withdrawals
to obtain loan certificates, members:
had to post collateral (typically loans) and were charged high interest (6-7%)
request for loan certificates were not disclosed publicly
when cash of all members was not sufficient to meet withdrawals, clearinghouses:
issued loan certificates to the public
there was a secondary market for these certificates
price reflected the publics perception of clearinghouse solvency
suspended convertibility when extreme (give them nothing)
what financial crises were there during nat banking era
6 bank panics occurred
followed times of rapid growth
bank panics were more frequent that during the free banking era
what triggered bank runs
runs occurred shortly after peak of economic cycle
not random - triggered by negative information
why was fed created / role
clearing houses could not handle panics so there was demand for a central bank
fed was established in 1913
cleared cheques by all banks
lend to banks facing liquidity problems (lender of last resort)
take over main function of clearing houses
federal reserve act of 1913
main responsibility of fed:
bank regulation and lender of last resort
banks must keep reserves within fed
capital adequacy monitored by fed
access to fed as lender of last resort
clear cheques by all banks
manage money supply (banknotes are a liability of the fed + fed determines monetary policy)
free banking era summary
banknotes provided info and incentives, but this introduced asymmetric info problems
national banking era summary
market info suppressed, incentives provided by clearing houses
no asymmetrical info problems during normal times
but bank panics became more likely