topic 4 and 6 forensic chem analysis Flashcards
what is a drug?
•Itisthedose thatdifferentiatesatherapeuticdrugfrompoison.
what is the difference between drug and medicine?
Medicines are combinations of drugs and inert ingredients. drugs do not have combination on inert materials or stabilizers.
what are the 3 categories of drugs? what does each do and give some examples
Categorised into 3 areas according to impact on the central nervous system (CNS) especially the brain :
(a) Stimulant–stimulates brain activities–Amphetamines (ice), Cocaine
(b) Depressants –inhibits brain activity–Alcohol, Barbiturates (sleeping pills), Heroin, Morphine
(c) Hallucinogens–Changes perception and mood (without either stimulating or inhibiting brain activity)-causes hallucinations–Ecstasy, Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), Cannabis (mild effect)
what are the 4 legal uses of morphine?
- general anesthesia, epidural ansesthesia
- palliative care–alleviate pain without caring
- antitussive for severe cough
- antidiarrheal e.g in aids
what is the difference between morphine vs aspirin? why is morphine addictive?
•Aspirinreducespainbyinhibitingthepain inducingevent,
explain the use of Fourier transformInfraredSpectroscopy. what can it be used to identify?
- Analysethestructuresoforganicandinorganiccompounds
- Organicfunctionalgroupswithreferencetocorrelationtable.
- Identify powdereddrugs.
explain the use of chromatography? what can it be used to determine?
Drugssubmittedtolaboratoriesareroutinelyexaminedbychromatography todeterminetheirnature andpurity.
what is GC used for? what type of samples can be analysed using GC?
TypeofsamplesthatcanbeanalysedbyGC: •volatile,lowboilingpoint(lowmolecularweight) •thermallystableunderGCoperatingtemperatures
what is HPLC? why does it compliment GC?
HighperformanceLiquidChromatography is a separationtechnique thatusesaliquidmobilephase.
itallowsnon‐volatile,and/or thermallyunstable compoundstobeanalysed.
e.g Highmolecularweightorganiccompounds, Pharmaceuticalcompounds, Hormones
what is thin layer chromatography used for ? what surface is the technique carried out on?
Fast,providesrapididentificationaftertheillicitdrugswasseizedbylaw enforcementagencies.
what is the retention factor used in TLC? (Rf value)
TheRf valueofacompoundisequaltothedistancetravelledbythecompounddividedbythedistancetraveledbythesolventfront
Rf value: x/y
Xisthedistancefromthespottotheorigin. Yisthedistanceofthesolventfronttravelsfromtheorigin.
what can IonSelectiveElectrode(ISE) be used for?
ISEcanbeusedtodeterminetheconcentrations ofthefollowingionsinforensicsamples:
what are the 3 types of active materials used in ISE?
- Glass–pHmeasurement
- Insolubleinorganicsalts
- Long‐chainion‐exchangematerials
how does gas sensors operate? what does it do?
what are the advantages and disadvantages of gas sensors?