Topic 4 - Accounting for Liabilities Flashcards
Differentiate between the three types of liability items.
- fulfil all liability definition and recognition criteria
- fulfil all liability definition and recognition criteria, but some uncertainty regarding their timing or amount of the required expenditure
Contingent Liabilities
- fulfil all liability definition criteria but one or more of the liability recognition criteria is/are not fulfilled

What is the definition of a liability?
- present obligations of the entity arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow of economic benefits:
· obligation must exist today
· a past event must have created the obligation
· future outflow of economic benefits is expected

What is the recognition criteria for a liability?
- outflow of economic benefits in the future must be probable
- must be able to measure the cost/value of an item reliably

What recognition criterion is not required for a liability?
- legal basis for obligation
How are liabilities classified?
What is an important consideration?
- similar to the classification of assets:
· current/non-current liabilities
· order of liquidity (if reliable and more relevant)
Important consideration:
Is there a clearly identifiable operating cycle?

Current liabilities are liabilities that are?
- expected to be settled within one operating cycle/12 months of the reporting date
- primarily held for trading purposes
- not subject to an unconditional right that allows the deferral of the liability for more than 12 months

Provisions are liabilities with some uncertainty in the timing and amount of the required expenditure.
Recognition is only possible if these liabilities:

What are the valuations of provisions based on?
- based on the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the obligation at the reporting date:
· discounting of amounts is necessary if time-value-of-money has a material effect

For contingent liabilities, a liability exists, but one or both recognition criteria are not satisfied:
What is required in the financial report?
Give an example of a contingent liability.
- it is unclear whether or not the existence of outflow is probable
- outflow cannot be measured or valued reliably
Required: Note disclosure of contingent liability, but no recognition in the statement of financial position
Example: A lawsuit filed against an entity, but the probability of winning or losing is unclear, and/or the amount of any payments that may be required is unclear.

Draw the diagram of liability versus a contingent liability.

What needs to be included in the disclosure of a contingent liability?
- an estimate of the financial effects
- description of why the timing or amount of outflow is uncertain
- description of any possibility for reimbursement by a third party (e.g. insurance)

What is the very rare exception that applies to the disclosure of a contingent liability?
- entities that are part of an ongoing lawsuit are not required to provide full disclosure of a contingent liability if this would have a serious negative effect on their legal position:
Alternative disclosure requirements:
- general nature of the lawsuit
- the reason why no detailed disclosure is made