Topic 4 Flashcards
Large scale climate patterns
Ex: biomes
Small scale climate patterns
Ex: mountain —> changes in temp at diff elevations
reflectivity of landscape.
- vegetation and ground cover.
Ex: white snow can reflect up to 80% of visible light, dark soil generally reflects less than 10% of visible light. The same amount of solar energy heats up dark soil more than white snow.
Microclimates: Vegetation & Ground Cover
• Trees, shrubs & plant litter can produce important microclimates.
- soil surface in full Sun heats to high temps (48°C in bare soil away from shrubs.
- shading of soil surface by low shrubs lowers max temp (29°C in litter under low shrub)
- a layer of leaf litter lowers max temp even more (27°C in soil under low shrub)
- greater leaf area and numerous twigs of tall shrubs intercept more light, creating the coolest temperatures (21°C in litter under tall shrubs. 23°C in soil under tall shrub)
Temperature & organism performance
Performance: this can measures of survival, growth, or reproduction.
Range of tolerance: conditions where organisms can survive
Optimum conditions for reproduction: optimum conditions for reproduction will often be a narrow subset of the conditions in which a species can survive.
Mortality, survival but no growth, growth but no repro, repro
Temperatures & Photosynthesis
Optimum range for photo
• higher for desert species than boreal species
Range of tolerance
• desert species can tolerant higher temps than boreal forest
A moss from a boreal forest photosynthesizes at a maximum rate at 25°C.
A desert shrub photosynthesizes at a max rate at 44°C.
— op conditions for photo is amount 45°C
Temperature and microbial activity
Psychorphilic bacteria (cold-loving)
- rate of pop growth by these Antarctic bacteria was highest at approximately 4°C.
- each point represents pop size after 80 hours of incubation at a particular temp.
Thermophilic bacteria (heat-loving)
- rate if sulfur oxidation by these microbes from a 59°C hot spring was highest at approximately 63°C.
Temp and animal performance
Metabolize energy intake (MEI) in eastern fence lizards is temp dependent.
MEI = c - f - u
Energy intake = E consumed - e lost in feces - e lost in urine
South Carolina S. undulatus
New jersey S. undulatus
For both pops of lizards, metabolizable energy intake (MEI) was greatest at 33°C.
Surviving extreme temperatures: resistance
- fur, feathers, blubber
Hibernation - prolonged periods of reduced metabolic activity (ex:slow heart rate, lower body temp)
Ex: wood frog —> cryoprotectants
Ex: bears (black and grizzly) —> slow metabolism
Torpor - similar to hibernation but on a shorter time frame
- ex: humming birds
- tunnels make microclimates —> help control body temp
Cryoprotectants: compounds in cells that prevent cells from busting —> allows to control when ice grows, resist by allowing body to freeze and defrost in spring
Surviving extreme temperatures: migration
Monarch butterflies
In migration there can be many gens for 1 way and other way only 1 gen.
Balancing heat gain against heat loss (energy budget)
What drives amount of heat in an organism.
HS = Hm ±Hcd ±Hcv ±Hr -He
Hs = total heat stored in an organism
Hm = Heat gain via metabolism heat gain. Energy released during cellular respiration
Hcd = Heat gain/loss via conduction heat gain or loss. Heat exchange between objects in physical contant
Hcv = Heat gain/loss via convection heat gain or loss. Heat exchange between a solid body and moving liquid or gas. Ex: wind
Hr = Heat gain/loss via radiation heat gain or loss. Heat exchange through electromagnetic radiation ex: solar, radiation from the sun or out going heatfrom body
He = Heat loss via evaporation heat loss. Heat lost through evaporation of H2O on skin of organism. Moisture on skin evaporates and cause the skin
Hcd and Hcv heat flow always from warmer to cooler
Heat Exchange Pathways: flower
Heat gain by radiation (Hr) from the sun
Heat loss or gain by convection (Hcv) from wind
Heat loss or gain by conduction (Hcd) at roots
Heat loss by radiation (Hr)
Heat loss by evaporation of water (He)
Heat game from metabolism (Hm)
Heat Exchange Pathways: Arctic Plants
Cold environment, dry, short days/summers/growing seasons.
Grow close to ground, if any heat from ground caused by solar radiation, also increase surface area to get more solar radiation.
Max heat game
Min heat loss
Darkly, pigmented leafs, reduce reflection and increase heat gain by radiation (Hr)
Compact, hemispherical growth, hormone decreases exposure of plant surfaces to wind. = Low convection, heat loss to wind.
Arctic and Alpine plants also increase HR by orientating their leaves perpendicular (towards) to sunlight
Ground-hugging growth form increases. Heat gain from solar- heated surroundings through radiation Hr and conduction Hcd.
Sunlight reflected inward by parabolic shaped dryas flowers, heats interior of flowers.
Sun tracking dryas flowers, keeps flowers, facing the sun for several hours each day.
Flower temperature = 25°C
Air temperature = 15°C
Basking insect temperature = 25°C
Heat Exchange Pathways: Desert Plants
Hot environment
Min heat gain
Max heat loss
Highly reflective leaves reduce heat game by radiation (Hr)
High convective heat loss to wind (Hcv)
Low conductor of heat game from ground (Hcd)
Desert plants also reduce Hr buy orientating their leaves parallel (away) to sunlight
Open growth form and small leaves increase exposure of plant surfaces to wind
Evaporative cooling (He)
- Panting
Ex: dogs - sweating
Ex: horses, humans
Ex: kangaroo —> blood vessels on arms, lick —> evaporation —> cools
—> move to shade to reduce Hr
—> increase Hcd (heat loss) buy digging and laying in cool dirt