Topic 3.3: Dipolar relaxation Flashcards
- Use a diagram to describe the transitions between 2 spins coupled by dipolar coupling/ spin-lattice relaxation

- How would the relaxation transition be different if spins were only j coupled?
- Would be no transitions as j coupling does not depend on orientation
- Describe the change of populations for all levels of 2 dipolar coupled spins


- Change in populations must be given in terms of magnetisation, what are the mechanisms of dissipation of magnetisation during spin transitions?
- Auto/spin-lattice relaxation: dissipation of energy to surroundings; magnetisation goes away (unrecoverable)
- Cross relaxation: magnetisation disappears via switching from spin 1 to spin 2 as relaxation is about losing population/energy.
- Transfers polarisation magnetisation to another spin

- How are transition probabilities related to spectral densities? How do spectral density profiles differ depending on transition type for 2 same nuclear spins
- Transition probabilities directly related to spectral densities sampled at the frequency of the transition

- How does auto-relaxation and cross-relaxation relate to one another in a system of 2 same spins
- Both can contribute to magnetisation and both depend on correlation time

- What must be considered first in a homonuclear dipolar relaxation experiment (auto)?
- Starting point/conditions of experiment
- Rauto represents R1 for a proton in only specific case where proton is inverted with a constant saturation of the coupled spin i.e. inversion of both spins at same time
- Usually would do a non-selective inversion recovery where both coupled protons inverted (bottom)
- Function largest fq at 0, get larger rate, shorter T1, faster recycling of experiment (top)

- What must be done to observe a change of intensity for spin 1 due to Nuclear Overhauser effect, NOE (cross relaxation)?
- Perturb populations of spin 2 and observe how magnetisation/signal of spin 1 changes
- Transient NOE – invert spin 2 with a 180o population inversion
- Steady state NOE – saturate spin 2 by equalizing populations via long weak selective irradiation of spin 2

How is cross relaxation affected overall by its mechanism?
- When DQ = ZQ cant use NOE (medium molecules)

Transient NOE
- If want to observe a change on spin 1 do cross relaxation for NOE. Must perturb populations on spin 2
- For transient NOE do by inverting populations of spin 2 (180 pulse)
- Populations = number of spins
- Single quantum Transitions are selectively irradiated (inverted) for spin 2 (1)
- Resulting spin 2’s inverted in single quantum transitions (2) (3)

- Left side shows result of above, where spin 1 still at eqbm, spin 2 inverted
- For spin 2 to go back to equilibrium must move more towards situation seen in spin 1 as represents unperturbed equilibrium populations
- Can be done via DQ (2 spins up then down) or ZQ (when 1 flips up the other flips down)
- DQ (W2): many spin 1 in lower energy state (5) compared to higher energy state (1)
- Spin 2 currently has 3 in each
- DQ transition done (shaded spin 1 and spin 2 moved down)
- How is spin 1 affected by this overall perturbation of spin 2? Must look at transitions involving flipping of spin 1 (α↔β) i.e. single quantum (W1) transition population differences
- Values annotated have increased population differences, giving larger signal for spin 1 due to NOE when DQ transitions involved. Positive NOE attained
- ZQ (W0): at equilibrium equal populations for spin 1, unequal populations for spin 2
- Spin flipped, spin 1 and spin 2 added to other side to balance?
- Differences now smaller in SQ transitions
- NOE using ZQ transition decreases population for spin 1 due to inversion of spin 2, giving smaller signal and negative NOE

- Steady-state NOE:
- To see changes to intensity on spin 1 must also perturb spin 2
- Instead of inverting, spin 2 in saturated
- Meaning populations equalised on spin 2 when transition irradiated
- Single quantum Transitions are selectively irradiated (saturated) for spin 2 (3)
- Resulting spin 2’s saturated in single quantum transitions (4) (5) balancing out spin 2’s across transitions

- Once again, for spin 2 to go back to equilibrium must move more towards situation seen in spin 1 as represents unperturbed equilibrium populations
- DQ: at eqbm there is much more spin in low energy α spin 1 state (5) than high energy β (1)
- For spin 2 to match this must take a spin 2 but also spin 1 (as DQ transition) from high to low energy
- Intensity of spin 1 due to this change in population can be seen by looking at SQ transitions (W1)
- As before, overall difference is larger, leading to larger signal than equilibrium leading to positive NOE
- ZQ: spin 1 has equal populations at eqbm so to match with spin 2 using a zero-quantum transition, must transfer a spin 2 and a spin 1 (as flip flop transition) from αβ to βα
- As in transient, overall difference smaller, leading to smaller signal than equilibrium leading to negative NOE