Topic 3- The nature of science Flashcards
What does Popper say
Hypothetico deductive method
What are the 8 steps of poppers theory
- Hypothesis formation- forming ideas
- Falsification- testing them against evidence
- Use of empirical evidence- proven wrong
- Replication- checked by others
- Accumulation of evidence- built up evidence
- Prediction- cause + effect
- Theory formulation- confidence
- Scrutiny- scrutinized
What does the principle of falsification say
-Rejects positivists
-No hypothesis can be finally proven true as there is the possibility of future exception
What does the white swan principle say
There is always a possibility of finding an exception of a non white swan so there will always remain a probability and not a proven fact
What does objectivity mean
Open mindness- value freedom- open to inspection and criticism of others
What does popper believe
Much of society is unscientific as it consists of theories that cant be put to test with the possibility that they might be falsified
Examples of positivist theorists
Comte, Marx, Durkheim
What does Comte argue
That the application of natural science methodology to the study of society would produce a ‘positive science of society’
What does Marx argue
Claimed his theories of class struggle, revolution and the transition to communism were based on cause and effect
What does Durkheim argue
Argued for a positivist approach in sociology with his rule
What are the main features of positivism
-Human behaviour is a response to observable social facts
-Study of social institutions and the social structure
-Focus on the search for the social causes of events
-Direct observation and quantitative data
What does interpretivism say
Sociology cant be a science
Verstehen- give meaning to their actions and researchers can only understand these meanings
Who are realist theorists
Bhaskar, Durkheim
What does Bhaskar say
Positivists view is based on an incorrect assumption that scientific method is based only on that which can be observed
What does Durkheims study of suicide say
used the social forces of social integration and moral regulation
What is a closed system
Causal factors are under the control of the researcher and precise measurements are possible in a closed environment
What is an open system
factors cannot be controlled and prediction is much more difficult and imprecise
Who do realists reject
Positivists and interpretivists
What does the social constructionist approach say
Suggests that science, scientific method and scientific knowledge as not objective things
What does Kuhn say
Questions whether scientists really do in practice set out to collect evidence with the scientific aim of trying to falsify their hypothesis
What is a paradigm
Acts like a pair of coloured lenses through which scientists look at ‘puzzles’ they are investigating
What does Dr Velikovsky say
His theory challenged some of the most fundamental assumptions of geology, astronomy and biology