Topic 3 - The nature of and process for effective internal controls Flashcards
What is Internal Control?
- A system to help make sure an entity can achieve its objectives
What are the directors doing to ensure they meet their objectives in relation to reliable F.S., effectiveness and efficiency of operations and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
What are the reasons for having a system of internal controls?
- minimising business risk
- continuous effective functioning of the compnay
- compliance with relevant laws and regulations
What are the five components of internal control?
1. Control Environment
2. The Entity’s Risk assessment process
3. The Information system and communication
4. Control acitivies
5. The entity’s process to Monitor the system of internal control
What is the Control Environment? (crimE)
- Attitude of directors to internal controls
- Awareness of internal control issues in the company
- Actions of senior management in relation to controls
Essentially what are the directors doing to establish the culture and ethical behaviour of the company to prevent, detet and correct erros or fraud
Includes the governance and management functions of the organisation
What is an Audit Committee and who should have one?
- A subcommittee consisting of a number of non-executive directors
- All UK listed companies should have one but it is considered good practice for large companies
What do the Audit Committee do?
- review internal controls and risk management systems
- monitor financial statments
- monitor and review effectiveness of internal audit department
- be an internal audit function
- recommend appointment, reappointment and removal of external auditor
- approve remuneration and engagement terms of external auditor
What is the Risk assessment process? (cRime)
- identify relevant business risks
- estimate the significance of the risks
- assess the likelihood of occurance
- decide upon actions (internal controls) to manage them
Management of an organisation have the responsibility to evaluate business risks
What is the Information system and Communication? (crIme)
Main business processes - both manual and those generated by IT
What do information systems consist of?
Infrastruture (physical and hardware components), software, people, procedures and data
What are general IT controls?
Controls over the entity’s IT proceses that support the continued proper operation of the IT environment
Controls over whole IT systems
What are examples of general IT controls?
- restrict access/ prevent unauthorised acces
2.ensure the continuity of operations - development of computer applications
- preventation or detection of unauthorised changes to progrmas
- testing and documentation of program changes
- passwords
- back up procedures, disater recovery plans, maintenance checks
- user testing and approval
- virus checks, restriced access to standing data, password protection
- staff training
What are information processing controls?
controls realting to the processessing of information in IT applications or manual information processes that directly address risks to integrity of info
these controls operate at the business process/data level
What are examples of information processing controls?
- input: authorisation
- input:accuracy
- input:completeness
- processing master files and standing order
- manual signature
- batch checks, range limits, reasonableness checks
- document counts
- batch reconciliation and exception reporting
- one- to - one check, controls over deletion
What are Control activites (Crime)
the policies and procedures that help ensure that management directives are carried out
What are the types of control activity?
Segregation of duties, Physical or logical controls, Authorisation and approvals, Reconciliations, Verifications
- petty cash count (logical control)
- comparison of bank statement and balances with cash at bank nominal ledge account (reconciliation)
- comparing actual expenditue with budget and investigate differences (verfication)