Topic 3: Purchasing Power Parity and Real Interest Rate Parity Flashcards
Why study PPP?
i) undervaluation/overvaluation
ii) use the PPP-implied exchange rate to compare job offers in different currencies if maintaining lifestyle is important
$ price level at t, P(t, $)
The $ price of a typical consumption bundle of N goods and services
Changes in the $ price level from t to t+1
š(š”+1,$) /š(š”,$) = [1 + š(š” + 1,$)]
ā š
(š + š,$)= š·(š+š,$) ā 1
If that number is +ve, means inflation
If that number is -ve, means deflation
If inflation, you have to pay more nominal money.
Internal purchasing power of $1 in U.S. at t:
$1 x (1/ š(š”,$)) consumption bundle
External purhchasing power of $1 in U.K. at t:
$1 x [1 / S(t, $/Ā£)] x [1 / š(š”,$)] consumption bundle
Absolute PPP
the equilibrium spot exchange rate
(Sppp(t, $/Ā£)) is obtained when
(Sppp(t, $/Ā£)) = š(š”,$) /š(š”,Ā£)
Goods market arbitrage
If S(t, $/Ā£) ā Sppp(t, $/Ā£) on the FX market, buy the consumption bundle from the country with a cheaper price and export it to the country with a higher price
Relative PPP
exchange rates will change in response to differences in inflation across countries
Relative PPP interpretation
If š š + š, $ > š š + š, Ā£ , then š(š + š, $/Ā£) > š(š, $/Ā£).
In words, a currency with a higher inflation ($) from t
to t+1 depreciates from t to t+1 against a currency with a lower inflation (Ā£) from t to t+1
Real exchange rate for $/Ā£ at time t
RS(t, $/Ā£) =
[š·(š,$)/š·(š,Ā£)] Ć [š·(š,$)/š·(š,Ā£)] =1
and if RPPP holds,
š¹šŗ(š,$/Ā£) = š x [š·(š,$)/š·(š,Ā£)] Ć [š·(š,$)/š·(š,Ā£)] = š
Real appreciations and depreciations
100 Ć [š š(š”+1,$/Ā£) āš š(š”,$/Ā£)] / š š(š”,$/Ā£)
[Real interest rate]
Ex-post real interest rate at t+1
ršš(t+1) ā i(t) ā š(t+1)
[Real interest rate]
Expected (or ex-ante) real interest rate at time t
Et[ššš(t+1)] ā i(t) ā Et[š(t+1)]
[The Fisher Hypothesis]
Ex-post at t+1
i(t) ā ršš(t+1) + š(t+1)
[The Fisher Hypothesis]
Ex-ante at t
i(t) ā Et[ššš(t+1)] + Et[š(t+1)]
Real interest rate parity
(expected) Real interest rates are same across countries at a given point in time
Et[ršš,š·(t+1)] = Et[ršš,š¹(t+1)] for all t
3 conditions for RIP to hold
RIP holds when the CIP, the UIP, and expected RPPP hold