Topic 3 – NMR methods for small biomolecules Flashcards
Learning outcomes -Understand homonuclear 2D NMR methods (i.e. TOCSY, NOESY and ROESY) -Link data to biomolecular structure (assignment strategy and NOEs) -Identify case studies emphasizing important biological roles of peptides and other small biomolecules
What is homonuclear NMR and what are some advantages and examples of types of molecules it can be used for
- 1H detection in both dimensions
- Circumvents need for expensive and time-consuming isotopic labelling.
- Works with even only a few signals/1Hs
- Can be used for
- Peptides (short proteins)
- Carbohydrates
- DNA/RNA fragments
- … … (TOCSY) 2D spectrum yields correlation map for …coupled 1Hs.
- Coupling observed … bonds of intervening 1H couples
- Interrupted only by small/zero …-…coupling or …atoms e.g carbonyl
- Total correlation (TOCSY) 2D spectrum yields correlation map for scalar coupled 1Hs.
- Coupling observed ~6 bonds of intervening 1H couples
- Interrupted only by small/zero 1H-1H coupling or hetero atoms e.g carbonyl
What is scalar coupling?
- Coupling between two adjacent atoms, in which electronic information is transferred through the bonds that connect them.
What are the limitations of TOCSY?
- While TOCSY good for isolating spin systems due to coupling within an amino acid side chain.
- Presence of carbonyl shuts of scalar coupling, halting the TOCSY chain
- Can assign by residue type, but if > 1 of the same AA, cannot discriminate easily in sequential assignment of chain.
- Describe and sketch a simple 1H-1 HH spectrum
- Cross peaks between 1H’s that are connected by a chain of scalar couplings form, telling us what couples to what, in an amino acid here.
- Don’t necessarily have to be directly coupled.
Do the values given in the TOCSY example correspond to experimental chemical shift?
- No, they are random coil chemical shift values that give an indication of a chemical environment in our system and to detect patterns in our spectrum.
Briefly describe the pulse program of 1H-1H TOCSY
- Equilibrium magnetization into xy plane via 90o pulse (this is where all scalar coupling occurs)
- This if followed by an evolution period, t1, and a spin locked period.
What is spin locking?
- A method of maintaining coherence and preventing dephasing during transfer of magnetisation through scalar coupling.
- This is done by locking magnetisation along an axis using an RF (pulse) field, causing magnetisation to flip and reacquire coherence.
- Correlations in 1H-1H spectra are seen through … networks as … of peaks.
- Intensity is not related to number of bonds connecting 1Hs, due to … relationship meaning … angles result in little/no coupling for protons in same spin system.
- Correlations in 1H-1H spectra are seen through coupling networks as strips of peaks.
- Intensity is not related to number of bonds connecting 1Hs, due to Karplus relationship meaning dihedral angles result in little/no coupling for protons in same spin system.
The Nuclear Overhauser (NOE) effect is a form a … (…-…) relaxation, in which … information is coupled between nuclei through …(<… Å)
The Nuclear Overhauser (NOE) effect is a form a dipolar (spin-lattice) relaxation, in which electronic information is coupled between nuclei through space (<5 Å)
- Outline NOE’s origin
- Perturbation of one nucleus (spin I) from equilibrium can cause changes in relaxation rate (R1) and population distribution of nearby spins (S)
- Cross relaxation generates an increase or decrease in intensity on neighbouring spins (NOE).
Outline a typical (Nuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy) NOESY spectrum
- Similar in appearance to TOCSY off diagonal cross peak correlation map of coupled 1Hs, but now dipolar coupled
- Intensity of through space coupling proportional to 1/r6
Why is NOESY useful?
- Can determine 1Hs distant in sequence but close in space
- This is key for 3D structure determination.
- Can go past C=O in peptide and transmit information between AA sidechains
- (IMP) Describe a 1H-1H NOESY pulse program
- Three π/2/90o pulses
- 1: Creates transverse magnetisation precessing during incremented evolution period, t1
- 2: Creates longitudinal magnetization that mixes (population distribution changes via dipolar relaxation of excited spins) during mixing period, tm which varies with size
- 3: Creates transverse magnetization from remaining longitudinal magnetization for detection.
- Dipolar coupled 1Hs take part in NOE if <… in space
- This NOE …-… rate, σij is measured directly and internuclear …, measured.
- Dipolar coupled 1Hs take part in NOE if <5 Å in space
- This NOE build-up rate, σij is measured directly and internuclear distance, rij measured.