Topic 3 - key terms Flashcards
Coastal system
narrow zone where the land and sea overlap
the movement of air from one place to another
Pressure gradient
the difference of pressure between two places
the fetch
the distance of open water over which the wind blows, the longer the fetch the stronger the wave
Constructive waves
low-surging waves with a long wave length, they have a strong swash and weak backwash resulting in beach gain
Destructive waves
high-plunging waves with a short wave length, they have a weak swash and strong backwash resulting in beach loss
changes in the water levels of seas due to the gravitational pull of the moon and lesser extent the sun
Tidal range
relative difference in height between high and low tide, affected by the relative position of the sun/moon
Neap tide
lowest tidal range, the sun and moon are at right angles to the earth
Spring tide
highest tidal range, the sun and moon are in line with earth
rip currents
a strong, offshore current that is caused by the tide pulling water through an inlet along a barrier beach or a lagoon
ridge of sand built up by currents in coastal waters
Wave refraction
distortion of wave fronts as they approach an indented shoreline
naturally occurring material that is broken down by weathering/erosion, transported by wind, water, ice or gravity.
sediment cell
a stretch of coastline bordered by two prominent headlands. sediment movement is contained and its flows are in equilibrium
the break-down of rock in situ at/close to the ground surface
Biological weathering
the break-down of rock by organic activity
chemical weathering
the break-down of rock due to chemical reactions
mechanical weathering
the break-down of rock without any chemical changes occurring
Mass movement
when rocks loosened by weathering move down slope due to gravity
soil creep
slow movement of soil particles down hill
mud moving down hill over unconsolidated/weak bedrock like clay, usually after a heavy rainfall event
block of rock moving rapidly downhill along a slide plane, a bedding roughly parallel to the ground surface.
block of rock moving rapidly downhill along a curved slide plane
sudden collapse or breaking away of rock fragments at cliff face.
coastal erosion
the manifestation of energy from the sun, converted by power of wind into waves capable of sculpting landforms and eroding sediment
Hydraulic action
the sheer force of water as it crashes against a coastline.
as a wave advances air can be compressed into cracks in the cliff
as the wave retreats the compressed air expands
the process repeats causing rock fragments to break off
wave quarrying
action of waves breaking against unconsolidated material such as gravel/sand
the waves scoop out raw material creating a dip
rocks and pebbles picked up by waves being hurled at cliffs, chipping away fragments of rock
sediment being dragged along the coast eroding rocky surfaces, important in the formation of wave-cut platforms
weak acids in rock can dissolve rocks like chalk/limestone or the bonds between rocks
wave action causes rocks/pebbles to hit against each other, wearing each other down into smaller/smoother material.
Attrition is a costal process but does not erode the coast itself
the rolling of course sediment along seabed that is too heavy to be picked up by the sea
sediment bounced along the seabed, light enough to be pick up by too heavy to remain in the flow of water
lighter sediment picked up and carried by the flow of water
Longshore drift
movement of sediment up/down the beach in a zig-zag pattern.
waves advance on the beach at an angle, carrying material up the beach.
back wash them pulls material down the beach at right angles to the shoreline due to gravity.
The littoral zone
area of land between cliffs/dune on a coast and the offshore area beyond the influence of the waves
when the velocity of water/wind falls below a critical value and cant transport a particular particle
all the visible features of an area of land.
in terms of coasts it would be the entirety of the visible sea, coast and countryside
an individual component of the landscape eg cliffs or beaches
layers of rock
bedding planes
horizontal, natural breaks in the strata, caused by gaps in time of rock formation
vertical fractures caused by contraction as sediments dry out or earths movement during uplift
formed by pressure during tectonic activity which makes rocks crumple and buckle
when pressure exerted on a rock exceeds the rock’s strength causing it to fracture
angle at which rock strata lie in, either towards the sea or away from it facing inland
is a depositional landform that stretches from the low tide to high tide line – created when sediment is deposited near the coastline where waves lose their energy
Swash aligned beach
Wave direction is parallel to the shore
Sediment is transferred up and down the beach, little lateral transfer
Forms bay-head beaches
Drift aligned beach
Waves approach at the angle of the prevailing wind
Sediment is transferred by LSD, lateral transfer
Forms spits
long, narrow strip of sand/shingle that extends from the mainland out to sea
barrier beach
occurs when a beach/spit extends across a bay to join headlands
bar or beach that connects to the mainland
offshore bars
regions where sand is deposited as waves dont have enough energy to carry it to shore
coastal sand-dunes
large accumulations of wind-blown sand along low-lying coastlines, above high tide level
develop over time and space
tidal mouth of a river where a tide meets the river flow
areas of flat, salty sediment that accumulate around estuaries/lagoons
sea level
level to which sea reaches and defines the coastline, boundary between land and sea
Isostatic change
when the land rises/falls relative to the sea
eustatic change
when the sea level itself rises/falls
submerging land
when land masses have been weighed down due to the ice advance, sinking deeper into the mantle - compression
emerging land
when ice melted during interglacial periods, resulting in rising land - decompression
raised beach
when ice melts it releases the downward pressure on land resulting in isostatic uplift
former beaches, wave-cut platforms and cliffs are now found raised above the sea level
when valleys in an upland dissected area are flooded
lower parts of rivers and their tributaries are flooded as a result of ice melt
formed when deep glacier troughs are flooded by sea level rise, they are deeper than rias and have a U-shape
Dalmatian coast
form when mountains ridges and valleys run parallel to the coast - they get flooded by sea level rise but the tips remain exposed