Topic 3: Globalisation Flashcards
What is the definition of globalisation?
Refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world, particularly through the movement of goods, services , diffusion of technology and capital across borders. Also shown through culture, lifestyle and global processes such as climate change.
What is deepening of connections?
The sense of being connected to other people and places now penetrating into almost every aspect of life. The number and types of connections increase and volume of flows grow.
What is widening of connections?
Lengthening the connections between people and places with products sourced from further away than ever before.
What are the UK’s top 5 exports?
Machinery including computers: US$68 billion (15.3% of total exports)
Vehicles: $53.7 billion (12.1%)
Mineral fuels including oil: $35.6 billion (8%)
Gems, precious metals: $32.8 billion (7.4%)
Pharmaceuticals: $32.8 billion (7.4%)
What is intedependence?
What happens in one place increasingly has impacts on another.
What are global flows?
- Capital
- Commodities
- Infomation
- Tourists
- Migrants
Who are the UK’s top 3 trading partners?
- United states- $59.9billion(13% of total UK exports)
- Switzerland-$39.5billion(8.6%)
- Germany- $38.8billion(8.4%)
Movement of Capital.
Captial flows are the movement of money for the purpose of investment, trade or business production.
Movment of Commodities.
Valuable raw materials such as fossil fuels, food and minerals are traded between nations.
Movment of infomation.
The internet allows products to be bought and sold between countries at the click of a button. Social media has grown in size and influence. Also phone calls, text messages and the media.
Movement of tourists.
Budget airlines allow people to reach more places at a much cheaper price.
Movement of migrants.
Huge rise in migration as a result of globalisation both external and internal, legal and illegal. Permanent movement of people still faces great obstacles due to border controls and immigration laws. Governments attempt to resist migrant flows unless a special need.
What is the meaning of interconnected?
trade and migration flows have increased due to technology, market forces and political decisions
What is the idea of a shrinking world?
Due to advancements in communications and transport have reduced the importance of distance which has aided globalisation.
How have railways contributed to a shrinking world?
Railways link major cities together even in different countries. 9000km Trans-Siberian railway connects Moscow with China and Japan.