Topic 3: Art and Architecture Flashcards
Key buildings
- The Proptleae was the gateway to the Acropolis and showed ppl were entering the scared ground of the Acropolois.
- It was designwed to show Athens status ad the richest Greek state, and also as protection as they could seal it off.
- It was made of marble ansd Doric columns
- The temple of Athens Nike was infront of the Propylaea ans was for Athens the godess of victory.
- It includuded a frieze that ran around the top, which had mythical or historic stories carved into it.
- The north and south sides showed the battle between Greeks and Persians, the west the battle with Corinth and the east a group of gods/godesses.
- It also had walls carved with images of the godess Nike, and didnt have wings which showd she was here to stay in Athens.
The Erechtheion
- It was in the Ionic style unlike the Parthenon.
- It was built to avoid the spot of Posidens trident hittin the grund hen competing with Athens for Athens, along with her olive tree.
- The porch was protected by Caryatids as it was the burial site of two Athenian kings.
- It was a challenge to build due to being on uneven grorund.
- It was dedicatedto Athena Polis - Athena defender of the city.
- The purpose of the Caryatids was to hold up the cwiling and guardians to the tomb of Cecrops. They were also dressed as if taking pat in a leigious temple, which is why Pausinias gues into such detail.
- He tended to focus on biuldings with eligious significance.
Aim of Periclean building program
Plutarch in ‘Pericles’
- He qanted to establish Athens as leader of the Greek world.
- It was contriversial as it was using Delian league money
- He defended by saying they fought the war fo them se have earned the money, the allies only supplied money, not horses or men or ships.
- “As if it wee some vain woman decking herself out in jewels”
- He also defends by saying that Athens is spending it on public works, so its for everyone.
- It would trabnsform the city and give poeple wok, and inpiration for at.
- And that it would solidify the sense of unity and remind everyone who comes to Athens of thei victories.
The Parthenon
- Included 177 Doric style colums along each side and 6 at each end. Largest temple in the Greek world and made or marble.
*PLUTARCH ‘PERICLES’ - It was buil to seem perfectly square, due to optical illusions, as symbol of oder as opposed to barbarians. - PLUTACH PEIRNCLES - the citys prosperity was extended far and wide and shaed among every age and condition in Athens.
- The metopes depict a arage of mythical scenes, all of which show foireign invades. North side: sack of troy. South: Centaurs vs. Lapiths. East: Olympian gods vs. giants. West: Aginst the Amazons.
- PAUSINIAS - DESCRIPTION OF gREECE - East side: Birth of Athens. West:Posiden and Athena for Athens.
- The freize was more a festure of Ioic temples, meaning the styles were mixed by architects. We have around 80% of it today. It shows the people in a religious proccession to create a sense of unity.
- A 12 metre statue of Athena Parthenos was in the central chambe of the temple. Pausianias says it was covered in gold and ivory, it was the work of Pheidias. Apparantly moe expensive than the Parhtenon itself.
Buikdings beyong the Acorpolis -
Odeon of Pericles/Haphesteon
- It was made to look like the king of Persians pavillion.
- It was to hold music contests during the Panathenaea festival.
- We dont know much about it as it was destroyed centuries after its construction.
- The temple of Haphesteus and Athena was built just above the agora, and located close to the district of Kerameikos, famed for its pottery.
- The temple of Posiden was built at Sounion in Attica.
- It would be the fist thing anyone would see when sailing to Athens.
- They woukd be met with a symbol of Athenian presense and power.
- Due to their naval power they wanted to dedicate a temple to Poseiden.
- Built in the Doic sytle similar to the Pathenon.
- THe freize had the battle with centaurs vs. Lapiths, giants vs. gods and the labours of Theseus.
- In addition to this, another temple was built at sounion for Athena in the Ionic style.
Temples in Attica
- Eleusis was sacred as it was the centre of a secret cult of Demeter, known as the Eleusinian mysteries.
- They practiced regular sacrifices and theefore needded a big, covered space as only initiates could see them.
- Brauron was used to display offerings for Demeter, godess of harvest and firtility.
- It was built in the Doric style.
- The cult of Artemis and Brauron was clearly important as it was huge and had a sanctuarry building repesenting it on the Acrropolis.
- Rhamanos was to the godess Nemesisin the Doric style.
- Thorikos may have been for Demeter due to the high level of workmanship.
- Parhtenon - Athena Parthenos, 12 metres tall and covered in gold, more expensive than the [arthenon itswlf. Draped oiver duirng frestival.
- Athena Nike - wall carved with godess Nike.
- Sounion - A five mete tall sataue of Posiden used to be thee but only little survives.