Topic 3 Flashcards
Questions to answer when building a clinical identification algorithm
A clinical algorithm is a set of rules that is applied to claims data set to identify the conditions present in the population
- Where are the (D)iagnoses recorded?
- What is the (S)ource of the diagnosis (claims, medical charts, etc)
- If the source is claims, what claims should be (C)onsidered (inpatient, outpatient, laboratory, etc)
- If the claim contains more than one diagnosis, (H)ow many diagnoses will be considered for identification
- Over what (T)ime span, and how often, will a diagnosis have to appear in claims for that diagnosis to be incorporated
- What procedures may be useful for determining (S)everity of a diagnosis?
- What prescription (D)rugs may be used to identify conditions?
Mnemonic: DCD H T S S (DeCiDe How To Set Standards for the Algorithm)
Duncan Chapter 4 (Risk), Page 91
Challenges when constructing a condition-based model
N - Large (N)umber of procedure and drug codes
S - Deciding the (S)everity level at which to recognize the condition
C - The impact of (C)o-morbidities for conditions that are often found together
U - The degree of (U)ncertainty with which the diagnosis has been identified
E - The (E)xtent of the data (claims data will cover all members, but self-reported data will not)
B - The type of (B)enefit design that underlies the data
Mnemonic: E UN B SC (Every UNnecessary Bone SCan)
Duncan Chapter 4 (Risk), Page 92
Sources of data for a clinical identification algorithm
- Diagnosis in a medical record - highly reliable, but seldom available for actuarial work
- Medical claims - one of the most common sources
- Drug claims - the other most common source
- Laboratory values
- Self-reported data
Duncan Chapter 4 (Risk) - Page 92
Definitions of sensitivity and specificity
When building clinical identification algorithms, the proper balance between sensitivity and specificity must be found
- Sensitivity - the percentage of members correctly identified as having a condition (“true positives”)
- Specificity - the percentage of members correctly identified as not having a condition (“true negatives”)
Note - One way to test for presence of false positives it to identify how many members re-qualify for the condition next year
Duncan Chapter 4 (risk) - Page 98
External Sources of Clinical Identification Algorithms
- HEDIS (from the NCQA) has algorithms for identifying some conditions (e.g., asthma, high blood pressure, and diabetes)
- The Population Health Alliance - publishes a journal that evaluates many different types of intervention programs. Code sets for identification are frequently provided in these articles
- CMS - Chronic Conditions Data Warehouse (CCW) provides researchers with Medicare and Medicaid data. A section of the CCW provides condition algorithms for more than 60 chronic or potentially disabling conditions
- Quality reporting and improvement organizations - there are many of these organizations in the U.S.. Their publications can be a source of clinical algorithms
- Grouper models - commercially-available models that identify member conditions and score them for relative risk and cost
- Literature - articles will sometimes report the codes that are used for analysis
Mnemonic - HA PG CW QP GC LC
(HA PJ Can’t Win Quit Playing Go Cry LC?)
Duncan Chapter 4 (risk) - Page 103
Major publishers of health care quality data measures
- National Quality Forum (NQF) - has the lead responsibility in the US for determining which health care quality measures should be recognized as national standards. Operates under a three-part mission to improve the quality of healthcare by:
a) Building consensus on national priorities and goals for performance improvement
b) Endorsing national consensus standards for measuring and publicly reporting on performance
c) Promoting the attainment of national goals through education and outreach programs - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - has developed a series of Quality Indicators (QIs) which use hospital data to highlight potential quality concerns. The QIs include inpatient, prevention, patient safety, and pediatric indicators.
- Joint commission - The primary accrediting body for hospitals, nursing homes, and other care facilities
- CMS - works with health care providers to develop measures of quality. Has the ability and funding to sponsor various quality initiatives
- Hospital Quality Alliance - was formed to develop performance measures of hospital care. One of its products is the “Hospital Compare” website.
- Measures applications Partnership (MAP) - a public-private partnership convened by the NQF to provide input on the selection of performance measures for public reporting and performance-based payment programs
- American Medical Association Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement - a physician-led consortium focused on clinical quality improvement and patient safety
H CAN JAM (Health quality publishers CAN JAM!)
Duncan Chapter 4 (Risk), Page 108
Reasons for using commercially-available grouper models
(Why these models may be preferred over building your own clinical identification algorithm)
- Building algorithms from scratch requires a considerable amount of work
- Models must be maintained to accommodate new codes, which requires even more work
- Commercially-available models are accessible to many users. Providers and plans often require that payments be based on a model that is available for review and validation
- CMS requires the use of a specific grouper model for risk adjustment in Medicare Advantage and ACA plans
(Note - TIA Chapter 5 hounds has printable list of grouper’s / table)
Duncan Chapter 5 (Risk), Page 111
Principles for developing grouper models
(These principles guided the development of the Diagnostic Cost Groups. But they are also universal and continue to be promoted in other publications)
- Diagnostic categories should be clinically (M)eaningful
- Diagnostic categories should (P)redict medical expenditures
- Diagnostic categories should have adequate sample sizes to permit stable (E)stimates
- (H)ierarchies should be used to characterize the illness level within each disease process
- Diagnostic classification should encourage (S)pecific coding
- Diagnostic classification should not reward coding (P)roliferation
- Providers should not be penalized for recording (A)dditional diagnoses
- The classification system should be internally (C)onsistent
- The diagnosis system should (A)ssign all codes (ICD-9/10)
- (D)iscretionary diagnostic categories should be excluded
Mnemonic - MAP SHAPE C D (MAP to SHAPE Clinical Diagnoses)
Duncan Chapter 5 (Risk), Page 112
Commercially-available diagnosis-based grouper models
- Diagnostic Related Groups
a) Relates type of patients treated to the cost incurred by hospital
b) Used Extensively by CMS and some commercial payers to ensure consistent reimbursement of hospitals for patients with the same risk profile - Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCCs)
a) CMS-HCCs - was developed as a health adjuster for Medicare Health plans
b) HHS-HCCs - was developed for risk normalization for ACA plans - Clinical Risk Groups
a) Similar to DRG, and can help identify clinically meaningful groups who require similar amounts and types of resources
b) Classifies members of the population based on their burden of chronic medical conditions - Optum (Impact Pro) - is primarily used for predicting high-risk patients for care coordination
- Chronic Illness and Disability Payment System
a) developed for adjusting capitated payments for Medicaid beneficiaries
b) CDPS+Rx - combines pharmacy - DxCG Intelligence
a) uses patient-level information to profile the range and intensity of medical problems for a given population
b) use to identify opportunities for early intervention - Symmetry - the Symmetry Episode grouper technology is the basis for Optum’s predictive and risk adjustment models
- The Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups System (ACG) -
a) Patient demographics are merged with diagnoses and pharmacy information to produce a series of risk factors and scores.
b) Primarily used for care management - Milliman Advanced Risk Adjusters (MARA)
a) developed by actuaries and healthcare consultants to provide a set of risk adjustment models that predict risk at a more detailed level than was traditionally available. (Separate list for dimensions of this model)
b) Prospective, predictive model to identify likely “next” group of high risk individuals - SCIO Prospective Financial Risk Model -
a) an all-encounter model used to predict risk scores prospectively
b) used for risk stratification, intervention program ROI, and case-mix adjustments - Risk- and Severity-adjustment methodologies for measuring inpatient quality care (Truven Health Analystics) - created to address mortality, complications, readmissions, and length of stay
- Wakely Risk Assessment model - a transparent, high-performance, and open-code risk assessment model for a commercial population
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) - a diagnosis and procedure categorization scheme
Duncan Chapter 5 (Risk), page 115
Useful Dimensions of the MARA Model
- Comprehensive set of risk scores by service category (6 scores per individual)
- Inpatient and emergency room scores correlate strongly with the probability of admission and emergency room events
- Individual condition profiles
- Recency of care - identification of the most recent month of treatment of each condition
- Persistency of Care - the number of instances of care for each condition
- Risk Drivers - identifying the contribution of each medical condition
- Chronic and non-chronic mapping of each condition group to accommodate easier cohort analysis
- Identification of issues related to frailty
Duncan Chapter 5 (Risk), Page 124
Commercially-available episode grouper models
Episode grouper models group all services that are associated with a particular diagnosis or procedure into a single group
- Medicare Episode Grouper Model - developed by CMS for organizing administrative claims into information about resource use that can be used to support various program objectives
- Episode Treatment Groups - a case-mix adjustment system that combines inpatient, ambulatory, and pharmaceutical claims to build a complete treatment episode from onset of symptoms until treatment is complete
- Truven Medical Episode Groups - used by payers and providers to compare medical and surgical options and costs in the treatment of diseases of medical conditions
Duncan Chapter 5 (Risks), Page 129
Core principles of episode grouper models
(These are the principles followed for the Truven Medical episodes groups model)
- An episode of care considers all care for one medical condition for one patient
- An episode should be described by the condition for which the patient was diagnosed, not the treatment the patient received
- Different levels of severity within a condition should be accounted for by an episode grouper
- Over time, a patient’s diagnosis may evolve, and the episode grouper should accommodate this within a single episode of care
- An episode classification system should be clinically meaningful to providers
- An episode classification system should be comprehensive, yet parsimonious and transparent
Duncan Chapter 5 (Risk), Page 131
Types of Drug Grouper Models
- Therapeutic class groupers - they group drugs into a hierarchy of therapeutic classes. Examples are American Hospital Formulary Service and Generic Product Identifier
- Drug-based risk adjustment models - they infer the member’s diagnosis from the therapeutic class of drugs the member uses, and generate a relative risk score. Examples are Medicaid Rx, Pharmacy Risk Groups, and RxGroups
Duncan Chapter 5 (Risk), Page 132
Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) -
- Health Care Finance Administration - DRG (HCFA-DRG) - used for medicare prospective payment system for hospitals (this is now renamed CMS)
- Refined-DRG (R-DRG) - introduces presence of absence of complications and co-morbidities (CC)
- Severity DRG ( S-DRG) - Refined DRGs to more adequately adjust for patient severity
- All Patient-DRG (AP-DRG) and All Patient Refined-DRG (APR_DRG) - Modification of HCFA-DRG that provides support for transplants, high-risk obstetric care, nutritional disorders, and pediatrics
Duncan Chapter 5 (Risk) (TIA Video)
Common Features of Medicare Prospective Payment Systems
- System of (A)verages - providers cannot expect to make a profit on each case, but efficient providers can make a reasonable return on average
- Increased (C)omplexity - DRGs are more complicated than a system based on per Diem payments
- (R)elative weights - associated with each patient group to reflect the average resources used by efficient providers
- (C)onversion factor (base price) - the dollar amount for a unit of services. It is multiple by the relative weight to determine payment
- (O)utliers - usually cases that require above-average resources and receive extra payments
- (U)pdates - the conversion factor and relative weights are adjusted annually to reflect new technologies and changing practice patterns
- (A)ccess and quality - policymakers monitor PPSs and survey patients to ensure that beneficiaries have adequate access to high quality care and that providers are compensated adequately
Mnemonic - COURAge And Complexity; why courage? lol
Duncan Chapter 6 (Risk), Page 141
Challenges with patient classification systems based on coding systems
D - Need for new DRGs - due to new diseases and new procedures
I - ICD coding - some codes may not be sufficiently precise as diseases and procedures are refined
U - Upcoding - providers may be tempted to exaggerate a patient’s secondary diagnosis to get paid more
S - New Coding Systems - adopting the new ICD-10 systems will be a major challenge for hospitals and CMS
Mnemonic: IS D U (IS Difficult to Upgrade)
Duncan Chapter 6 (Risk), Page 142
Summary of DxCG Grouping Levels
Aggregated Condition Categories (ACC)
Number - 31
Application - Population profiling, reporting
Related Condition Categories (RCC)
Number - 117
Application - Population profiling, reporting
Condition Categories (CC)
Number - 394
Application - Clinical screening, reporting
Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCC)
Number - 293
Application - Making predictions, clinical screening, reporting
Number - 1,010
Application - Clinical screening, reporting
ICD-9 and ICD-10 Diagnostic Codes
Number - 69,000+
Application - Coding and reimbursement
Duncan Chapter 6 (risk), TIA Video
Two major types of DxCG Models
- Concurrent - Used to reproduce actual historical costs
- Prospective - Predicts what costs will be for a group in the future based on inherent conditions
Duncan Chapter 6 (risk), TIA Flash Card
Goals of risk Adjustment for Arizona Medicaid Program
A - Align payment with the relative health risk of members at each health plan
A - Be Accurate and unbiased
- Accurate - there should be relatively high correlation between the projected cost of the population and the actual cost
- Unbiased - the methodology should not overcompensate for some risk factors at the expense of others
S - Be as Simple as possible while accomplishing other goals
B - Minimize the administrative Burden of developing and implementing the methodology
N - Be budget Neutral
Mnemonic - A B N S A (Arizona Budget Neutral State Adjustment)
Duncan Chapter 13 (risk), Page 278
Methodology used to develop the Arizona Medicaid risk adjustment model
- Model selected - Symmetry’s Episode Risk Groups (ERG) Model
a) ERGs based on episode treatment groups - Type of data used - diagnosis codes and procedural information from medical data and national drug codes from pharmacy data
- Data timing - three months of claim run-out was used
- Eligibility groups - risk adjustment was applied to prospective, non-reconciled risk groups
- Model Calibration - the model was re-calibrated by developing risk weights through a linear regression model based on Arizona Medicaid data, and then credibility weighting those rates with the model’s original risk weights.
- Geographic issues - risk adjustment will take place at the geographical service area and risk group level
- Individual approach - risk scores calculated during the experience period will follow the individual during the rating period. This will accurately reflect movement of individuals between health plans.
- Risk factors are updated once per year
- Risk factors for new members - members with at least 6 months of enrollment (“Long” cohort) during the experience period will be given a claims-based risk factor. Other members (“Short” cohort) will be given a risk factor that is the average of an age-gender factor and an adjusted plan factor
a) Adjusted plan factor = (avg ERG risk score of long cohort / pure age-gender factor of long cohort) * Pure age-gender factor of short cohort - Phase-in - risk adjustment is being phased in such that only 80% of the 2009 rate is risk adjusted
- Risk factors for newborns - a different approach is needed because newborns do not have prior year claims from which to develop condition-based risk scores. Claims of the prior cohort of newborns in the experience period are used to project newborn experience in the rating period
Duncan Chapter 13 (Risk), Page 278
Formulas for calculating an MCO’s risk score for the Arizona Medicaid Program
- Average ERG risks core for long cohort
a) An unadjusted risk score is calculated as the sum over all risk factors and demographics of the risk weights multiplied by frequencies. Frequencies are the portion of the cohort with each risk factor or demographic
b) For the Transitional Aid to Needy Families group, the final risk score equals the unadjusted risk score divided by a scaling factor - Total average risk score = % of members in long cohort * average ERG risk score for long cohort + % of members in short cohort * risk factor for short cohort
a) Risk factor for short cohort = 50% * Adjusted plan factor for short cohrot (see formula in separate list) + 50% * pure age-gender factor of short cohort - The above formulas are calculated for the given MCO and for all MCOs in total. The MCO’s relative risk score = MCO total average risk score / average risk score for all MCO’s
- Relative risk score with phase-in = 80% * relative risk score + 20% * 1.0000
- A budget neutrality adjustment may also be applied to get the final relative risk score
Duncan Chapter 13 (risk), Page 285
Formulas for calculating final capitation rates for the Arizona Medicaid program
- Capitation rate to be risk adjusted = base capitation rate - bid risk contingency - bid admin cost - 2% premium tax
- Risk-adjusted capitation rate (before retention) = Capitation rate to be risk adjusted * risk adjustment factor (this risk adjustment factor was referred to as the relative risk score in earlier formulas.
- Final ris-adjusted capitation rate = risk-adjusted capitation rate (before retention) + bid contingency + bid admin cost + 2% premium tax
Duncan Chapter 13 (Risk), Page 287
Common Hypotheses for the member selection patterns observed in Medicare Advantage plans versus traditional Medicare FFS
Those enrolling in Medicare Advantage plans have been observed to be materially healthier. Theories for why include:
- Healthy enrollees are less reluctant to change benefit plans, so they are more likely to sign on with Medicare Advantage
- Managed care organizations restrict access to certain network health care providers. Since less health Medicare enrollees generally have established provider relationships, they are more reluctant to leave traditional Medicare and risk losing access to their preferred providers
Duncan Chapter 14 (Risk), Page 291