Topic 3 Flashcards
Sales Promotion definition
try to stimulate short-term consumer demand or increase the effectiveness of salespeople and intermediaries
The offering of a short term incentive, encouraging people to act.
In-store Sales promotion Techniques
- Gift with purchase (on-pack; given at cash till)
- Prize draw (trip; prize)
- In-store product sampling
- Additional points in loyalty programme
- Temporary Price Reduction (percentage off or x€ off)
- More quantity or amount off (2x1; 3x2; 20% free)
- Discount voucher or coupon
- Pack of products at a set price
Sales promotion communication means
- Brochure
- Leaflet
- Flier, flyer (US)
Product based (In-store Additional Display):
- Product pile up
- Isle
- Ad-hoc display (Floor rack / Side rack)
- Check out space
BEST model - Effective vs efficient sales promotions
Highly effective/ Low efficiency
Low effectiveness/ High efficiency
High effectiveness/ High efficiency
Low effectiveness/ Low efficiency
Customer response to Sales Promotion
- Brand switching
- Change of store
- Acceleration of the purchase
- Product stock up (hoarding)
Types of Sales Promotion demand from brand POV
PRIMARY DEMAND (forward buying)
– Buying anticipation
– Buying for stocking up
SECONDARY DEMAND (brand switching) – Brand switch of disloyal customer (hired sales) – Brand switch of a customer who is going to keep loyal to the brand.
RPV - revenue per visitor
- most business-relevant metric commonly available to measure in e-commerce
- this is the expected revenue for all visitors in an experiment (including discounts, and visitors which do not purchase anything).
Definition of direct marketing
The total of activities by which the seller directs efforts to a target market using one or more media (direct selling, direct mail, telemarketing, direct-response advertising, catalog selling, etc.) for the purpose of soliciting a response by phone, mail, online or personal visit from a prospect or customer
What is direct marketing?
- All media activities that generate a series of communications and responses with an existing or potential customer.
- Mainly concerned with the management of customer behaviour
- It is used to complement the strengths and weaknesses of the other communication disciplines
- Advertising and Public Relations provide information and develop brand values, while sales promotions, direct marketing and personal selling have the potential to engage customers directly and explicitly.
Intelligence-based telemarketing
● Phone-based marketing is about previous research and being smart
● You’ll have researched the company/person in detail and you will know exactly what you can do for that specific person (Qualified leads)
● There is no thundering your way through a bought database here – you’re contacting a list of pre-screened people you are sure you can help.
Targeted leaflet drop
● A great way of generating some quick business
● For example, if you supply garden maintenance services to residents of a particular area, a well designed leaflet containing an offer might just do the trick.
● Sometimes this can be an excellent communication medium.
Tradeshows and Exhibitions
● Tradeshows and exhibitions are a great way to get right in front of your target market.
● You and your products and services have the chance to directly engage with potential buyers and influencers
Shopping center stand
● Hiring a stand at your local mall or shopping center can place your product or service in front of prospective buyers.
● One caveat is that the audience is not going to be as targeted as it would be at a tradeshow.
● However, if your offerings appeal to the general public you will find that a local shopping center provides an excellent opportunity to meet potential customers.
In-person demonstrations
● Arranging in-person demonstrations is a widespread BTL (below-the-line) method for the promotion of products, particularly B2B.
● What can be better than arranging a private demo of your product with someone who has expressed their interest in what you offer?
● This can also be done online with video-call platforms such as “Zoom”, “Google Meet” and similar.
Door to door selling
● The effectiveness of the practice now is not as great as it once was.
● However, if you treat it the same way as mentioned in the intelligence-based telemarketing section above, door-to-door marketing can still be very profitable.
Direct mail marketing
● Direct mail marketing works well if it is executed properly.
● Even blind mailings (to a specific geographic location relevant to your business) work, although it’s much better to send mail to people who have already opted in to hear from you. (New GDPR in 2018)*
● Past customers, people who have requested more information or updates – is where you’ll get the best response.
● In conclusion, creative direct mail can engage with your target market and create a strong call to action for your customers to get in touch and create new business.
Direct mail campaigns
With the use of Data Mining and Machine Learning we need to discover likely buyers from the current non-buyers in a given Dataset of customers.
Email marketing metrics
● Email OPEN rate is the percent of people emailed to who opened an email campaign. If you mailed to a list of 750 people and
180 of them opened, your open rate would be 24%. A healthy open rate is typically in the 20-40% range.
● CLICK through rate is the percentage of people who clicked a link or any linked image within an email. To continue our example
from before, if you have a list of 750 people and 100 click on a link, you have about a 14% click-through rate.
● CLICK TO OPEN rate measures the effectiveness of the content of your email. It is calculated by the number of unique clicks divided by the number of unique opens.
Success factors for email campaigns
● Right audience, right message, right time
● Pay close attention to your subject
● Formulate your offers in an optimal way
● Encourage action with your visual elements (Call to action - CTA)
● Measure Your Campaigns
Email Hard bounce vs Soft bounce
● A hard bounce is an e-mail message that has been returned to the sender because the recipient’s address is invalid. A hard bounce might occur because the domain name doesn’t exist or because the recipient is unknown
● A Soft bounce is a temporary failure due to an unavailable server, a full mailbox, or an oversize message, although the top reason behind today’s soft bounces are ISP blocks
GDPR - Data Privacy & Security law
General Data Protection Regulation is the toughest privacy and security law in the world, effective from May 2018 in the European Union.
Data subjects’ privacy rights:
- The right to be informed
- The right of access
- The right to rectification
- The right to erasure
- The right to restrict processing
- The right to data portability
- The right to object
- Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling
Spam vs Opt-in email
● Bulk email spam: Spam is any email sent for commercial purposes without permission from the receiver
● Opt-in email: Opt-in email is any commercial email sent to people who have specifically signed up to receive it.
PPC/social media ads
● PPC (pay per click) and social media ads can be extremely well targeted and therefore should be considered for any BTL marketing campaign.
● While we said above that social media profiles are ATL in nature, any ads that you run through them are BTL as they should have a level of targeting attached to them.
● PPC ads are the same – even though they use a global platform with incredible reach, they are still specifically aimed at a certain segment of the population.
● Similar to PPC ads, although we mention this separately as you can use this to specifically re-engage website visitors
● People who have abandoned shopping carts or who have disappeared from any part of your sales funnel for any reason.
● Very powerful and definitely worth looking into
Post-sales coupons/ incentives
● Another direct BTL method is that of promoting coupons/deals/incentives to current or past customers.
● It’s much easier to sell to an existing customer than it is to a new one.