Topic 2: Labor Supply Flashcards
Positive vs Normative Economics

Properties of Indifference Curve in static model of labour supply

Draw Indifferent Curve of Static model of labour supply

1) Marginal utility of leisure
2) Marginal utility of consumption
3) Marginal rate of substitution

Different IC showing differences in preferences

State the budget constraint in the static model of labour supply

Draw Budget Constraint of static model of labour supply

Optimal hours of work decision

The interior solution

Graphically show optimal consumption and leisure

Explain the effect of a change in nonlabour income on hours of work

Explain the effect of price change on demand

Effect on wage change on the demand for leisure

State leisure demand functions

**State Slutsky Equation

Derive Slutsky Equation
MT Lecture 2 p.18
Include endownment effect in slutsky equation

Effect of wage increase on compensated and uncompensated demand curves

Reservation wage

Backward Bending Labour Supply Curve

Labour Force Measurement
1) Labour force
2) Labour force participation rate
3) Employment rate
4) Unemployment rate

Labour supply over business cycle:
1) Added-worker effect
2) Discouraged worker effect
- The discouraged worker effect usually dominates the added-worker effect, especially during recession
- The labour force participation rate is pro-cyclical

**Estimate the effect of income on earnings - Empirical studies
MT Lecture 2 p.44

**Estimate the effect of income on earnings - Empirical studies findings