topic 2 key terms Flashcards
Interest rate
Cost of borrowing money or the return on savings/investment
Transfer payments
Payments made by the government to individuals or groups without expecting any goods or services in return for example welfare payments
Productive capacity
Maximum level of output that an economy can produce using its available resources and technology
Capital spending
Expenditure made by businesses or governments on acquiring or improving physical assets such as machinery
Current spending
Expenditure made by individuals or businesses or governments on goods and services for immediate consumption including wages utilities and Day to day operations
net trade
Difference between a country’s exports and imports of goods and services
External shocks
Unexpected events from outside of the economic system that have a significant impact on it
Foreign direct investment
Investment in capital assets in a foreign country by business with headquarters in another country
Human capital
Skills and knowledge and experience Possessed by the population which individuals contribute to the economy through work
Situation where the effects of a temporary shock that carry on after the initial cause has been removed
Result of past investment common buildings, roads, bridges (Fixed capital), Needed for the economy to operate efficiently
Net inward migration
The difference between the number of people imigrating into a country and the number of people emigrating from the country
Positive output gap*
The level of actual real output in the economy is greater than the trend output level
Negative output gap*
Level of actual rule output in the economy is lower than the Trend output level