Topic 2: Divine Revelation... Flashcards
Practical materialism
atheism that focuses on material goods
Act of Faith
Supernatural assent of the intellect through which a truth revealed by God is believed on the authority of God who reveals it
God’s communication of himself. Realized by deeds and words through time, the fullness of which was sending Jesus. Also refers to the New Testament book, which contains the revelation given to St. Paul on Patmos.
A solemn agreement between people or between god and man involving mutual commitments and guarantees
Modifier indicating something that refers or pertains to god
Principle of casualty
the notion that there probably is a God because the universe needed a creator
Supernatural Revelation
God’s communication of himself by which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan
Word of God
two senses: one is the physical Scripture, another is Jesus, the Word in Flesh of God
The theological virtue by which one believes all that God has said and revealed to man and that the Church proposes for belief.
Something that is said in the name of god
A sign, wonder or event which transcends the laws of nature and therefore can attributed to divine power. The miracles of jesus were messianic signs of prescence of God’s Kingdom.
Object of faith
Content of true Christian belief; only be told through revelation, such events as the real presence of God and the Christ in the Eucharist. Also through all natural truths
A person called by God to speak to his people , often to announce future events that could not otherwise be foreseen. It comes from a Hebrew term meaning “he who walks in the name of God.”
Motive of Faith
The reason why a person come to believe in God.
The universal teaching authority of the Church, which guides the faithful without error in matters of faith and morals through the interpretation of Sacred Scripture and Tradition.
Original Sin
Adam and Eve lost the grace of original holiness and because of man, creation is now subject to its bondage and decay.