Topic 2 Flashcards
step 1 define your needs
Consider your hopes and dreams for the
step 2 analyze your personal resources
Your personal resources are who you
are and what you have to offer.
Step 3: Identify Your Career Choices
Select several possible careers that
match your personal goals and
Step 4: Research Your
Career Choices
Find out all you can about the careers
you identified in Step 3.
Step 5: Evaluate Your
Career Choices
Look at your career choices in detail to
see if they match your personal goals
and resources.
Step 6: Make Your Decision
It is important to make a decision and
have a plan, even if you later change
your career goal.
Step 7: Plan How to Reach
Your Goal
Once you’ve reached your career
decision, you can begin to plan how to
reach your goal.
Being responsible means fulfilling
obligations in a dependable and
trustworthy way.
If you value relationships, your family
and friends are important to you.
Compassion is caring deeply about
people and their well-being.
Courage is the ability to conquer fear or
Valuing achievement means wanting to
succeed in whatever you do.
If you value recognition, you want other
people to appreciate and respect your
The decision-making process
a logical series of steps used to identify and evaluate possibilities and arrive at a good choice.
Lifestyle Goals
the ways you want to spend your time, energy, and resources in the future.
the principles you live by and the beliefs that are important to you.