Topic 19 Flashcards
Name the first national labor organization.
Knights of Labor
A refusal by workers to work.
A strike
Name a situation in which one business without competition controls a service
or product
A Monopoly
The amount of money received after expenses are paid.
Shares of the profit of a company that are distributed among stockholders.
Money returned on to big business by the railroads
People who own a corporation.
Money and equipment needed to run a business.
Several large businesses joined together to do away with competition.
A group of people who run a corporation.
Board of Directors
Name the act passed to protect the nation’s health.
The Pure Food And Drug Ac
Name the law passed in 1887 to control trade between states.
Sherman Anti-trust Act
Fire in which 146 garment workers died, prompting the passage of laws to improve
Working conditions.
Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire
Name the act that was set up agricultural schools and colleges in many states
The Morrill Act
Name the author of the Jungle, a book that exposed conditions in the meat-packing
Upton Sinclair
The joining of one business with another.
An agreement between a union and a company that only union members would be
Closed Shop
The protest meeting in Chicago that erupted into violence unfairly blaming
the Knights of Labor
Haymarket Square Riot
People who want to end or destroy all government.
Court orders forbidding workers to strike or to picket.