Topic 16 Flashcards
What did he do?
United the 12 tribes of Israel to form the kingdoms of Israel
When was King Saul alive?
c.1020-1000 B.C.E
What did prophet Samuel do to Saul?
He anointed him king of Israel
What did King Saul do to disobey God?
Saul disobey God commands to kill the king of the Amalekites after the defeating them in battle. Saul was tortured by evil spirits and lost favor with God
When did king David live?
c.1000-965 BC
What happens when King David was young?
God chooses him to be the future king. Prophet Samuel anoints him.
Describe Golique’s challenge.
Israel was at war with the Philistines. Golique’s challenges the Israelites to send one person to decide the war any single combat. David fight and wins.
What Cityvdoes King David conquer?
He conquers the fortress of Jerusalem and makes it his capital
What does King David want to do?
He wants to bring the ark of the convent there and wants to build the temple to God.
What does God think of King David’s request?
God forbids it… Temple must wait for future generations, when it’s more peaceful.
When was King Solomon alive?
C.961-922 BCE
What is one of King Solomon’s accomplishments?
He gold first temple for the ark of the convent in Jerusalem
What is King Solomon known for?
He is known for his wisdom and Proverbs.
Was king Solomon wealthy?
What was king Solomon involved in? What does God do?
Tolerating the idol worship of foreign wives. god splits his kingdom in top world after his death.