topic 16 Flashcards
religios belief
AD establishing pattern and trends
AD validity Fx belief in god is central to many religions thus effective way to measure religion
DI val and reliability -operationalization
BSAS leading question “what is your religion ?”
DI social desirabilty bias
jones and elliot use of fake polygraph
AD validity -multidimensional
AD validity- allows for the changing nature of religion
itc complex enough to keep up with these fluctuations
DI validity and reliability-operationalization
BSAS leading question
DI validity religious belief or membership of a relig5ious community- Day being a Christian and having Christian beliefs
belief without belonging davie
Ad validity explains the strength of RE in the face of apparent secularization
AD validity allows sociologist to understand privatized and individualized religion
DI valand rel-operationalisation
DI val-social desirability bias