Topic 11: Unit Overview Flashcards
Financial Forecasting:
Group items under categories:
- Forecast Business Outcomes:
- Key relationships:
- Policy decisions:
- Forecast Business Outcomes: (vol, price, dependent on business case assumptions)
- Key relationships: tax paid calc; dependent on given relationships, possibly externally imposed
- Policy decisions: tgt div payout or debt levels. Dependent on outcomes of operating forecasts. Model can be used to test sensitivity of results t changes in these variables
Financial Modeling: Factors to consider for: 1. Revenue Forecasts: 2. Cost forecasts: 3. Working Capital: 4. Capital Expenditure 5. Tax Forecasts: 6. Dividends & Debt payments:
- Revenue Forecasts: expected growth in vol & price
- Cost forecasts: vol growth; gross margins, mix of fixed & variabel costs
- Working Capital: forecasts of revenue & costs (incl activity ratios)
- Capital Expenditure: new projects plus capital expenditure required to maintain existing or projected capacity
- Tax Forecasts: tax on forecast taxable income, impact of carry forward losses
- Dividends & Debt payments: may change as a result of forecast
Balance Sheet Items:
Closing Balance = ?
Ending Balance = ?
Closing balance = Opening balance + increases - Decreases
Ending balance = beginning balance + additions - subtractions
Balance Sheet
Net Fixed Assets =
Retained Earnings =
Cash Balance =
Net Fixed Assets(t) = Net fixed assets (t-1) + capex (t) - Deprec exp (t) - BV of assets sold (t) Retained Earning(t)s = Ret Earn (t-1) + PAT (t) - Div Paid (t) Cash Balance(t) = Cash balance (t-1) + mmt in cash balance (t)
5 reasons why empirically, most f the value created by an acquisition is usually captured by the target:
- With organic growth, project sponsor takes on completion risk and captures most of the NPV. With acquisition, acquirer pays up front for current expected performance. To be NPV +ve, must create further value
- Acquisition process is competitive; designed to get max value for vendor. Can result in overpaying
- Execution risk: risks to integrating 2 businesses
- Large transactions require financing - acquisitions that use equity tend to underperform
- Agency cost & mgmt hubris: mgrs have incentive to expand firm beyond the size that maximises shareholder wealth
Reasons that shareholders in bidding firms rec close to zero return (3)
- expectation that expected benefits will not be realised
- expectation that buyers are being optimistic or have overpaid
- agency costs, management seeks growth rather than value
Dubious reasons for M&A
- Using high P/E equity to make cheap acquisitions
- multiples inflation (eg zero synergies, but acquirer erroneously inflates P/E, leads to appearance of value creation) - Misplaced reliance on earnings growth
- Diversification (strategic - can mgmt really manage wide range of unrelated businesses?; financial markets - mergers cannot reduce systematic risk, and unsystematic risk could be diversified by shareholders rather than mgmt
- capital structure & co-insurance (diversification effect may reduce variability; but this does not increase total value, it may shift value from eq to debt as lower variability increases security to lenders.)
Coinsurance - companies guarantee each other’s debt when merged.
M&A: dubious reasons for M&A
Examples of Misguided reliance on near term earnings growth:
- decisions made on earnings basis rather than value measures do not compare benefits with the required return.
- -finance project by eq; accretive to EPS if ROE > E/P. But need to compare with cost of capital
- -if financed with debt; EPS accretive if ROIC > after tax cost of debt. But need to compare with WACC
- if financed with cash; EPS accretive if ROIC>after tax interest on cash (but this is bot a measure of value)
- backended transactions