Topic 11- Static Electricity Flashcards
Explain is an insulator charged by?
-Electrons transfer from one object to another creating charge (positive and negative)
metals don’t become charged as electrons are free in both materials
constant flow means no net change
How does electric shock occur?
Charged object and non charged object cuases
-Making spark jump through air down the charge gradient
How is lightening occur?
Potential difference (flow of electrons) between highly charged clouds and Neutral earth
air molecules and water droplets collide
Why does a negitively charged object (balloon) attach to a wall?
-Negative ballon cuases electrons in wall to be reppelled away slightly
-Cuasing slight positive charge at front of wall
-Causes attraction
What is attraction by induction?
-Already charged object cuasing slight
How does earthing work?
-Allows a pathway for electrons to pass to and from the Earth from a charged object (charged object can be positive or negative)
Everyday uses of electrostatic attraction?
-insecticide sprays
-Laser printer
How does a insecticide use electrostatic attraction?
-Droplets given charge so repel eachother
How does a laser printer use electrostatic attraction?
-Positively charged ink in toner
-Lazer creates negitively charged shapes on image drum
-Ink and negatively charged areas on drum are attracted
-Image drum rolls on paper
-Paper is more negitively charged than drum
-Ink attaches to paper
How does a filters in chimneys use electrostatic attraction?
-Pollutants pass through negitively charged grid
-Gain electrons and become negitively charged
-Attracted to and positive grid on side of chimney
How does a spark/electric shock happen?
-Friction cuases electrons to move from one object to another
-Electron movemennt creates charge
-Charge imbalance between two objects (positive and negative) (human and conductor as its electrons move more easily)
Does acetate become positive or negative?
when induced
looses electrons
Does polythene become positive or negative?
gains electrons
Why can static electricity be dangerouse?
-Build up of static electricity around fuel to cuase explosions or fires
Dangerouse static electricity car refueling?
and how fixed
-metal nosel has friction from fuel which could cuase explosion
-Use a plastic nosel