Topic 11 Static electricity Flashcards
1 Which particles in an atom have a positive charge?
2 Which particles in an atom have a negative charge?
3 What is the overall charge on an atom?
no charge
4 A sodium atom loses one electron to form a sodium ion. What is the charge on a sodium ion?
positive, +1
5 A chlorine atom gains an electron to form a chloride ion. What is the charge on a chloride ion?
negative -1
6 What particles flow to form an electrical current?
7 What name is given to materials that cannot allow electrons to flow through them?
8 Two acetate rods have the same charge and are hanging on threads. One is brought near the other. What happens to the rods: attraction, repulsion or nothing?
9 An acetate rod is rubbed with a duster, which leaves the rod with a positive charge. What particles have been transferred?
electrons from the rod to the cloth
10 What force causes the transfer of electrons when a duster is used to rub an acetate rod?
11 What type of materials can collect an electric charge: conductors or insulators?
12 What happens when two positively charged rods are brought near to one another?
13 Which particles move when an object gains a charge?
14 What force causes the movement of these particles when an object gains a charge?
15 A polythene rod is rubbed with a duster. The duster becomes positively charged. What is the charge on the rod now?
16 Two acetate rods are both rubbed with the same cotton duster. What will happen if the two rods are brought near each other?
17 A negatively charged balloon is brought near a wall. Which charged particles at the surface of the wall do not move?
18 A charged balloon will stick to a wall because it causes a charge to form on the surface of the wall. What is this charge called?
induced charge
19 If you become charged you feel a shock when you touch a metal object. What causes this shock?
flowing electrons
20 A storm cloud has a positive charge. What happens to electrons when the cloud comes into contact with a lightning conductor?
electrons move from the conductor into the cloud
21 Which charged particles move when something gains a charge?
22 If you walk across a nylon carpet you may pick up a charge. Why does this charge not leave you?
nylon is an insulator/insulating material
23 If you have a negative charge, why might you feel a shock when touching a metal door handle?
electrons move from you to the metal
24 What is the process of removing charge from an object called?
25 When a charged objected has been earthed and no longer has a charge, how do we describe it?
26 Aeroplanes gain a charge while flying. What can happen between an aeroplane and a metal object near it, as it lands?
spark from discharge
27 A bonding line is connected to an aeroplane to earth it before refuelling it to stop any sparks from discharge. What might happen if a spark occurs?
it will ignite the fuel
28 In an electrostatic sprayer, the droplets of spray spread out wide. Why does this happen?
all the droplets are given the same charge and repel one another
29 Static electricity is a non-contact force that can produce a field around it, called an electric field or electrostatic field. Give the name of a field produced by another non-contact force.
magnetic field, gravitational field
30 To show the strength of a field, we draw field lines. What do field lines that are closer together represent?
a stronger field strength