Topic 11: Instrumental Variables Estimation Flashcards
What makes an explanatory variable endogenous?
When it is correlated with the error term.
Suppose you have an endogenous explanatory variable with beta1, how would you obtain a consistent estimate of beta1?
By using an instrumental variable in place of the endogenous variable.
What is an instrumental variable?
A variable correlated with an endogenous explanatory variable, exogenous in that it is not correlated with the error term and does not directly affect the dependent variable. IV is used when x and u might be correlated, so MLR4 doesn’t hold.
Do x and u need to be uncorrelated in order to use z as a valid instrument for x?
Do z and u need to be uncorrelated to use z as a valid instrument for x?
Do z and x need to be uncorrelated to use z as a valid instrument for x?
No, z needs to be related to x
If z is correlated with y, can it be a valid instrument?
Yes, as long as it’s not directly correlated.
What is the instrumental variable estimator for beta1 where z is an instrument for x?
beta^1IV = [sum(zi-zbar)yi] / [sum(zi-zbar)(xi-xbar)
How do you interpret a binary explanatory variable?
It is the effect of that variable =1 compared to when it =0 on the y variable.
Stata: How do you find the number of observations in a dataset?
The command “sum” will give you the number of observations for each variable.
When are percent’s to be used in the interpretation of estimators?
When the units of the variable are in percent or there is a log functional form.
If x is an endogenous variable, what does it mean about the relationship between x and u?
X and u are correlated.
How are proxy and instrumental variables different in their relationships to x?
A proxy variable uses a direct relationship between z and x, whereas an instrumental variable looks at the indirect relationship between z and x.
Stata: what command should you use to determine how many observations there are for varying values of a binary variable?
Use the command “sum if ==0” to know how many observations there are for that variable. If you need multiple parameters, use “&” between them.
How are OLS and IV estimates of a coefficient different?
The OLS estimates of a model that requires an IV estimate will be biased, but precise, while the IV estimate will be consistent, but the standard errors incorrect. This is because the IV estimates variance is based only on the variation in the IV.