Topic 11—Disorders of the reproductive system Flashcards
Dysfunction of the female reproductive system
Infective agents.
may cause inflammation of the
vagina, cervix, inner lining of the uterus
What is Pelvic inflammatory disease
is a general bacterial infection of the
- uterus,
- **ouiducts **
- peritoneum,
which leads to these structures being inflamed.
Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation.
Define Primary amenorrhea
Primary amenorrhea is the failure to menstruate by the age of 16 and is usually
caused by hyposecretion of ovarian or pituitary hormones.
Secondary amenorrhea
Secondary amenorrhea is the absence of menses for more than 6 months in a person who has previously
had a normal cycle. This may be caused by hormonal dysfunction, infection, reduced food intake or excessive
physical activity.
Dysmenorrhea is very common and refers to painful menstrual cramps.
oestrogen progesterone FSH and LH
oestrogen in first half of cycle
oestrogen and progesterone in second half of cycle
FSH stimulats overy to produce oestrogen
LH stimulats ovulation
FSH in males stimulates testes to produce testesterone
inflamation of the inner lining of the uteris