Topic 1.1 Flashcards
Referring to people who are Black/White mixed race.
Typically opposed to apartheid
Status between whit and black people
According to Calvinist logic, one’s chosen to rule
Descendants of the Boers, Dutch
Considered Black Africans lesser
Battle of Blood River/Zulus
Boers on Great Trek won fight against black Africans
Boers said they would bring civilization to Africa.
Farthest south west part of Bantu Migration
(Migration started in present day Cameroon)
Forced out people nation to that land.
Aka South African Republic.
One of the Boer republics.
Orange Free State
One of the Boer republics
Bloemfontein/Sand River Conventions
British agreed to recognize Afrikaner sovereignty in the Transvaal and orange free state
1952 and 1854
Gold/Witwatersrand 1886
Gold found in Transvaal. Labour came in force into the area.
Workers moved to Johannesburg.
Beginning of mass migration of black Africans into cities.
British wanted the gold/diamonds
South Afrikaner War 1899-1902
Partially caused by dispute over whether all white people should get right to vote in boer republics
White groups began to work together after the wars.
South African Party
Jan Smuts and Louis Botha.
First to win general election
Union of Soutth Africa
Union of South Africa made an independent state
Restricted voting almost entirely to white population
Natives Land Act
Prohibited black Africans from buying or renting land outside of specific areas.
Areas designated as Native Reserves.
Only 7.5 of land area
Caused over crowding and divisions
Native Urban Areas Act 1923
Said cities are primarily for white population.
Black people must carry passes
Anyone w/o could be arrested and sent to reserves
Industrial Conciliation Act 1924
Said white peoples could make and be in unions but not black people
National Party
Aka NP
Lex by JBM Hertzog
Formed in 1914
JBM Hertzog
Led and formed NP
Becane prime minister in 1924
Wage Act 1925
Let government tell private firms to give priority to white people when hiring.
Mines and Works Amendment Act 1926
Increased regulations of original act
Said that only white peoples could get specific jobs
United Party
Aka UP
Combo of SAP and NP
Merger during great depression
Took office in 1934
Purified National Party
Aka Gesuiwerde Naidonale Party
More extreme than UP
Led by Malan
Purified National Party
Aka Gesuiwerde Naidonale Party
More extreme than UP
Led by Malan
Representation of Natives Act 1936
Completely prevented black Africans from voting in the cape.
Established Natives Representative Council
Natives Representative Council
Mostly made up of traditional African leaders.
Had no real power.
Native Trust and Land Act 1936
Technically made land of Native Reserves 13% of country
Gave authorities more power to evict black Africans living in other areas