Topic 10 Qualitative and materials Flashcards
1 To which group in the periodic table do lithium, sodium and potassium belong?
group 1
2 To get a hot blue Bunsen burner flame, do you open or close the air hole?
open it
3 What is the formula for a calcium ion?
4 Which of these is a transition metal: copper or calcium?
5 Name the metal ions present in KCl, K2SO4 and KNO3.
6 What name is given to the rainbow of colours seen when white light passes through a prism?
7 What is the concentration of the solution formed by dissolving 1 g of salt in 2 dm3 of water?
0.5 g dm–3
8 What colour flame do you see when potassium reacts with water?
9 Is calcium chloride a covalent compound or an ionic compound?
10 Which of these compounds is soluble in water: sodium carbonate or calcium carbonate?
sodium carbonate
11 Give the flame test colour for sodium ions, Na+.
12 Which metal ion produces a blue-green flame test colour?
13 Which metal ion produces an orange-red flame test colour?
14 Give the flame test colour for potassium ions, K+.
15 Give one way that instrumental methods improve the analysis of substances.
more sensitive/more accurate/faster
16 The flame photometer is used to find the concentration of ions. What else is it used for?
to identify ions
17 Name the type of graph needed to find the concentration of ions when using a flame photometer.
calibration curve
18 A substance turns red litmus paper blue. What does this tell you about the substance?
it is alkaline/an alkali
19 Which ion has the formula NH4+?
ammonium ion
20 Which of these substances is insoluble in water: aluminium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide?
aluminium hydroxide
21 Give the flame test colour for copper ions.
22 Which metal ion produces a yellow flame test colour?
23 What colour is the precipitate produced when sodium hydroxide is added to Fe2+ ions?
24 Which white precipitate disappears to form a colourless solution when excess sodium hydroxide is added: aluminium hydroxide or calcium hydroxide?
aluminium hydroxide
25 What colour is the precipitate produced when sodium hydroxide is added to copper ions?
26 In the chemical test for ammonia gas, should the red litmus paper be dry or damp?
27 What solution turns milky in the chemical test for carbon dioxide?
28 Which ion has the formula SO42–?
sulfate ion
29 Which of these substances is insoluble in water: sodium chloride or silver chloride?
silver chloride
30 What gas is produced when calcium carbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid?
carbon dioxide
31 Are metals shiny or dull when freshly cut?
32 What type of bond (ionic, metallic or covalent) involves a pair of electrons?
33 When a substance is compressed, is it being squashed or stretched?
34 Can you see through an opaque substance?
35 Which element forms long chains in simple polymers such as polyethene
36 Which is a better electrical conductor: metal or brick?
37 What name is given to a mixture of metals?
38 Is solid glass malleable, ductile or brittle?
39 Which is a better thermal conductor: polyehene or copper?
40 What type of bond ionic, metallic or covalent) involves the transfer of electrons?
41 Which substance is a better electrical conductor: PVC or copper?
42 What word describes a substance that can be hammered or rolled into shape?
43 What word describes a substance that can be stretched into wires?
44 When a substance is under tension, is it being squashed or stretched?
45 Can you see clearly through a transparent substance?
46 What metal forms the rods inside reinforced concrete?
47 Which is denser: steel or polyethene?
48 What are the thin strands in fibreglass made from?
49 Name the type of material that consists of thin sheets of wood glued together.
50 What hard material is made by mixing cement, sand, small stones and water together?
51 Is a molecule larger than an atom?
52 Which reacts faster with an acid: limestone as a powder or as a lump?
53 What does a catalyst do to the rate of a reaction?
(increases/changes it
54 Are clay ceramics electrical conductors or insulators?
55 What is the main property of glass that makes it suitable for window panes?
it is transparent.
56 What is the symbol for a nanometre?
57 How many nanometres are there in a metre?
thousand million/billion/109
58 What three measurements do you need to calculate the surface area of a cuboid?
length, width, height
59 What measurement do you need to calculate the volume of a cube?
length of a side
60 How much catalyst is left at the end of a reaction?
all of it/the same as at the start