Topic 10 Flashcards
A concept within the field of international development. It involves studies of the human condition with it’s core being the capability approach.
Human Development
A term popularized by Gary Becker, an economist from the University of Chicago, and Jacob Mincer that refers to the stock of knowledge, habits, social and personality attributes in the ability to perform labor so as to produce economic value.
Human Capital
Another component of human development which requires investment in people.
Productivity is commonly called as
Investment in Human Capital
The improvement in the quality of human resources raises the productivity of existing resources. _______- the Nobel Prize winning economist -articulated it’s importance. “The decisive factors of production in improving the welfare of poor people are not space, energy, and crop land, the decisive factor is the improvement in population quality. “
Theodore W. Schultz
It implies a political democracy in which people themselves make the decisions about their lives.
Under it, people enjoy greater political and civil liberties and remain free from excessive controls and regulations.
It refers to decentralization of power so that the benefits of governance are reaped by all peoples.
Empower people, especially the women and the poor, it then breaks the “deprivation trap.”
Decentralization and Participation
Asserts “If people can exercise their choices in the political, social, and economic spheres, there is a good prospect that growth will be strong, democratic, participatory and durable.”
Mahbub ul Haq
This concept focuses on the need to maintain the long-term protective capacity of the biosphere. This then suggest that growth cannot go on indefinitely; there are, of course, ‘limits to growth’.
Sustainable Development
The inequality adjusted ________ is used as a way of measuring actual progress in human development by the United Nations.
Human Development Index
This term focuses on the desired balance between future economic growth and environmental quality.
If development is viewed in terms of enhancing people’s basic capabilities, people must enjoy equitable access to opportunities. Such may be called _______.
Equality-related capabilities
An alternative approach to a single focus on economic growth, and focused more on social justice, as a way of understanding progress.
Human Development Index