Topic 1: System Fundamentals Flashcards
Identify the context for which a new system is planned.
Consider the extent and limitations of the new system.
Describe the need for change management.
Need to train users on new system, users might be resistant to change, possible incompatibility, data loss, expenses.
Outline compatibility issues resulting from situations including legacy systems or business mergers.
A legacy system is an older system that may no longer be supported. It may not be compatible with new systems. A merger is when two companies combine into one. There may be issues with system compatibility, especially on an international basis.
Compare the implementation of systems using client’s hardware with hosting systems remotely.
Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is a distribution model in which a third-party provider hosts applications and makes them available to customers over the Internet. SaaS minimizes an organization’s IT responsibilities and costs, if server needs change, an organization can just adjust their SaaS subscription. May have difficulty integrating SaaS with existing on-premise applications. Business using SaaS must trust a third-party with security. Businesses must take into account the government compliance regulations inherent to storing customer data in a remote data center (laws might be different in different countries).
Installation process: Direct changeover (advantages & disadvantages)
The old system is stopped and the new system is started.
Advantages: minimal time and effort, new system available immediately.
Disadvantages: if the new system fails, there is no fallback.
Installation process: Parallel running (advantages & disadvantages)
The new system is started, but the old system is kept running alongside it. Data has to be entered into both systems.
Advantages: if the new system fails, the old system runs a backup, outputs from two systems can be compared to see if new one is running correctly
Disadvantages: Have to run two systems simultaneously simultaneously (costly in terms of time and money)
Installation process: Pilot running (advantages & disadvantages)
The new system is piloted with a small subset of the organization. Once it is running correctly, it is implemented across the whole organization.
Advantages: if the system fails, only a portion of the organization suffers, staff who were part of the pilot can train other staff.
Disadvantages: Have to run two systems (the new and the old) simultaneously, though not as costly as parallel running (since the new system is just running for a portion of the organization).
Installation process: Phased conversion (advantages & disadvantages)
The new system is introduced in phases as parts of the old system are gradually replaced with the new system.
Advantages: allows users to get acclimated with the new system slowly, training can be done in stages.
Disadvantages: Parts of the new system may be incompatible with parts of the old system, it may be difficult to run them together.
What problems might arise as part of data migration?
Incompatible file formats, differences in data structures (how the data is organized), differences in validation rules (which check if data inputs are valid), incomplete data transfers, differences in data/currency/character sets (think of how different countries use different formats for dates).
Why is testing a system important?
To ensure the system is in line with user requirements.
To prevent the end user being dissatisfied with the final system;
Testing is important to enable early discovery of errors;
to reduce time delay/ using more resources / avoid higher cost;
Suggest various types of testing.
Debugging, Beta testing, user acceptance testing
Describe beta testing
Involves sending sample software to the intended audience;
(Selected audience do not pay for this software);
To try/use the software product;
And give the feedback to the authors (which help in correcting bugs);
Describe user acceptance testing
Often the final stage of software testing, end users are asked if the system meets their expectations. A “black-box” test (testers do not have access to the internals of the system).
Describe debugging
Finding and resolving bugs or errors in software by looking inside the software itself (also called “white-box” testing or “structural” testing).
What is user documentation and how can it be delivered?
Any document that explains how to use features and functions of a system to its end users (not developers). It comes in many forms:
Why is user documentation necessary for a system?
User efficiency; To ensure that users know how to use the system correctly;
Support/Troubleshoot; To provide users help when they encounter errors;
Accuracy; To ensure the correct methods are used to enable reliable output;
Improved user experience; the user is aware of all available features, so they can make the most out of the system;
User documentation: Help files (adv/disadv)
Files supplied together with the system, can usually be called up with a button in the software.
Advantages: easily accessible at anytime
Disadvantage: can only be used after a system has been installed, only deal with general errors
User documentation: Online support (adv/disadv)
Special web service hosted by a system’s developer to provide user documentation.
Advantages: more extensive compared to help files, get continuously revised, can provide options for live support, often have search capabilities
Disadvantages: require Internet connection, live support might not always be available.
User documentation: Printed manuals (adv/disadv)
Manuals printed on paper supplied together with the system.
Advantages: they can be read through by the user before starting to work with the new system (can help with installation), always available.
Disadvantages: Not automatically updated, limited in number.
User training: Self-instruction (adv/disadv)
Users can learn how to use a new system on their own, by reading a manual, watching a tutorial.
Adv: Lowest cost, flexible timeline, user can choose exactly what they want to learn.
Disadv: No guidance or feedback, unstructured learning means certain features might be misunderstood or ignored, can feel isolated.
User training: Formal classes (adv/disadv)
An instructor shows and explains to users how to use the system.
Adv: Structured learning environment, expert on hand to answer questions, direct interaction between trainer and trainee
Disadv: High cost, rigid schedule, time-intensive.
User training: Online training (adv/disadv)
A instructor trains groups of users via some kind of remote connection.
Adv: allows end-users to attend classes from any location of their choice; with reduced financial costs (because online learning eliminates the cost of transportation / meals / the study materials are cheaper (available online));
Disadv: struggle with focusing on the screen for long periods of time/ technology issues (requirements of internet enabled devices/ smart devices/ live internet connection) /sense of isolation / time zone differences between the trainer and the trainees;
Identify a range of causes of data loss
Malicious activities; An unauthorized user gaining access to data and deleting/altering it
Natural disasters / earthquake / storm / power loss; Causing the system to crash and destroy data;
Malware/viruses/spyware/worms; Which infiltrate and damage the data;
Human error; Accidental deletion/overwriting of files;
Outline consequences of data loss in a specified situation.
Consider: How easily can the data be replaced? Who will be affected by the data loss? Are there financial implications to the data loss? Are there ‘life-and-death’ consequences to the data loss? Who is responsible for data recovery?
Describe methods that can be used to prevent data loss.
Copies of backup could be kept off-site/cloud backup; Unlikely that the other site would be affected by the natural disaster/can be reloaded/reinstalled if needed;
Incremental backup only backs up data that has changed; Therefore, requiring less storage capacity / can be completed more quickly than a complete backup;
Failover system/mirrored system/disk mirroring; A duplicate copy to be used in the event the main system fails;
Describe strategies for managing releases and updates.
Manual installation: gives users full control, but time consuming, and users may neglect to install important security patches
Automatic updates: Keeps the system always up to date, but less control, some updates might cause compatibility issues, updates may happen at innapropriate times.
Define hardware
Physical parts of a computer and related devices. (e.g. motherboards, hard drives, RAM, monitors, keyboardds, mice)
Define perihperals
External hardware devices, provide input and output for the computer (e.g. keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer)
Define software
Computer programs and other sets of instructions executed by the computer.
Define newtork
Devices that communicate with each other using a transmission medium.
Define human resources
The pople who work for a company or organization, the end-users of a system.
In the context of a networked world, state the role of a client.
A piece of computer hardware or software that accesses a service made available by a server /The role of a client is to access a service made available by a server by sending a request for service;
In the context of a networked world, state the role of a server.
A program/host computer that awaits and fulfills requests from client programs (in the same or other computers) /
The role of a server is to fulfill requests from client programs (which can reside in the same or in other computers)
Example: an email server, DNS server (translates domain names into IP addresses)
In the context of a networked world, state the role of a router.
A hardware devices the routes data between networks
In the context of a networked world, state the role of a firewall.
A firewall monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic;
and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic (based on a defined set of security rules)/ restricts access to parts of a network / prevents unauthorised access of confidential data);
May be implemented in hardware or software.
What should be considered when evaluating social and ethical issues associated with the networked world?
Privacy, who can access you data (e.g. posting images/videos online), legality associated with customer data (different countries have different laws regarding data privacy), accessibility (how accessible is a technologies to people with disabilities?)
Identify relevant stakeholders when planning a new system.
Consider who will be affected by the new system. Common stakeholders are: end users, employees, customers, community members, media, suppliers, business owners, managers, shareholders, investors.
Describe methods of obtaining requirements from new users.
Observation, survey/questionaire, interview, brainstorming
Obtaining requirements: Direct Observation (adv/disadv)
Seeing how things are done in an organizaiton from a first-hand perspective.
Adv: systematic/structured, current computing system can be studied in its natural setting. Provides a better understanding of the way a computing system is used.
Disadv: susceptible to observer bias, can affect the behavior of the users being observed, time consuming.
Obtaining requirements: Interviews (adv/disadv)
Ask direct questions to nominated stakeholders in an individual setting.
Adv: Can gather a lot of detailed information, people can be asked about what they like/don’t like.
Disadv: Can be time consuming, may be susceptible to the biases of the people interviewed.
Obtaining requirements: Surveys (adv/disadv)
Adv: large amounts of data can be collected and analyzed quickly, simple to do.
Disadv: information gathered is limited by the questionaire, quality of responses is not ensured.
Describe appropriate techniques for gathering the information needed to arrive at a workable solution.
Examining current systems (using interviews/ surveys/direct observation); To compare the existing system against possible requirements to identify missing features;
Examining competing products; To compare own system with competitors to enable decisions on features to add;
Review of organizational capabilities; To determine how well the organization manages resources to gain an advantage over competitors;
Literature searches; To research current methods and to help inform development choices;
Construct suitable representations to illustrate system requirements.
Consider system flow charts (representing a process), data flow diagrams (representing the flow of information in a system), structure chart (represents the organization of a system).
Describe the purpose of prototypes to demonstrate the proposed system to the client.
To provide feedback on the efficiency or design of the product;
To give an idea or feel of the final product;
To encourage dialogue between the developers and the client;
Clients can identify errors or omissions in the design;
A prototype may not be the best choice when the project is very simple, or the developer is the only end-user, where a trial with error would be unethical (nuclear power plant).
Discuss the importance of iteration during the design process.
Iteration is the repetition of a design process to yield results successively closer to a desired result (plan, design, develop, run, evaluate)
Explain the possible consequences of failing to involve the end-user in the design process.
User dissatisfaction; because the system does not meet user requirements;
Developers not being paid for the final product; as the business owner requests are not evident in the final product/ or outside of the project’s scope;
Unsuccessful final product; the developed system may either solve a different problem/ is not user friendly as compared to the existing system;
Discuss the social and ethical issues associated with the introduction of new IT systems
Personal/professional development of all employees must be considered;
Physical safety (of all users);
Ergonomic standards (human-computer components);
Human dignity of all users;
The new system might be designed to replace some staff;
Code of ethics (system resources should not be used without approval);
Define the term usability
The ease of use and learnability of a human-made object.
Identify a range of usability problems with commonly used digital devices.
complexity / simplicity / amount of effort to get a result / number of errors with the time taken to move past them;
readability / comprehensibility / reading or writing speed;
learnability / time to accomplish tasks on the first use;
effectiveness ( user performance);
efficiency (time needed to complete a task);
Identify methods that can be used to improve the accessibility of systems.
Text-to-speech; Voice recognition; Braille keyboards; Touch screen; Input from scanner;
Identify a range of usability problems that can occur in a system.
Consider: what would happen if someone can’t access the system, can only access certain parts of a system, if they misunderstand what the system requires as input, if they can’t access the output.
Discuss the moral, ethical, social, economic and environmental implications of the interaction between humans and machines.
A social issue is a problem that influences a considerable number of individuals within a society; crime, health, education, media, poverty, terrorism
Moral/ethical issues involve distinguishing between “right” and “wrong”; computer crime, responsibility for computer failure (think self-driving cars, combat drones), protection/responsibility for computer records, privacy
Economic issues are concerned with money, industry; generating income, costs, wealth, work
Environmental issues are concerned with the protection of the natural world; global warming, electronic waste, power generation, fuel/batteries, use of energy (think bitcoin mining)