Topic 1- Radical Reformers Flashcards
When was the outbreak of the French Revolution?
When was Tom Paine’s The Rights of Man Part 1 published?
When was LCS founded?
When was the first Hampden Club established?
When was the defeat of Napoleon War?
Who was THomas Hardy?
founder of LCS
Who was Edmund Burke?
wrote REflections on the Revolution in France, defending rule by monarchy and aristocracy
Who was John Cartright?
founder of Hampden Clubs
Who was William Cobbett?
wrote the political register
Who was Henry Hunt?
Spoke at Peterloo, arrested and imprisoned for 2 years
Who was Thomas Spence?
planned Spa Fields meeting
Who was ‘Oliver’?
agent provocateur involved in Pentridge
What did LCS do?
campaigned for male suffrage
What is Habeas Corpus?
people arrested had to be charged with an offence and have a trial
What were the Hampden Clubs?
aristocracy and middle classes discussed politics
When was the