Topic 1: Popular Pressure and Cause of Revolution Flashcards
When was the French Revolution?
What was the French Revolution?
France rose up in revolt against the ancien regime (the old feudal order in France)
What happened as a result of the French Revolution in France?
the power of the French monarchy, the Church and aristocracy was reduced
How did the French revolution influence Germans?
- educated Germans approved of developments in France, calls for liberty, equality and fraternity and for a representative government
What did Germans not support in terms of the French Revolution?
King Louis XVI execution and thousands of people followed him into the guillotine in the Reign of Terror
When did Napoleon defeat Prussia and where?
1806 - Jena and Auerstedt
What reforms happened in Prussia in 1807?
1807- serfdom abolished and peasant were now free subjects before the law, able to own property and marry as they wished
When was the War of Liberation?
What was the war of liberation?
Austria, Russia and Prussia defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Leipzig resulting in the destruction of French power in Germany
What was the Congress of Vienna?
a meeting of ambassadors of European states chaired by Metternich, Austria
When was the Congress of Vienna?
November 1814-June 1815
What happened as a result of the Congress of Vienna?
German confederation established
When was the German Confederation established?
What was the aim of the German Confederation?
to maintain the current German situation as oppose to a united Germany as none of the rulers of the separate states wanted their independence limited by the establishment of a strong central government
In 1818 who were granted constitutions
- Baden
- Bavaria
In what year were constitutions granted to Baden and Bavaria?
What did the elected assembly in 1818 mean for Baden and Bavaria?
- assemblies had the power to make laws and control taxation
- suffrage was available to only a small portion of men due to the strict property qualification
What did Liberals want?
- parliamentary rule
- freedom of speech
- freedom of the press
- freedom of worship
- freedom to form political association and hold political meetings
- a united Germany
What do liberal German believe in?
- only men of property should have the vote
- did not want radical change
- opposed to violence
- achieving their aims by intellectual argument and peaceful persuasion
When was the Carlsbad Decrees?
What prompted the Carlsbad Decrees?
a member of an extreme student society murdered Augustus Von Kotzebue, A Russian tsar informant on German affairs
Who was murdered in 1819?
Augustus Von Kotzebue
What was the Carlsbad Decrees?
- provided inspectors for universities
- ensured that student societies were disbanded
- threatened radical university lecturers with dismissal
- introduced press cencorship
- set up a commission to investigate ‘revolutionary’ movements
- allowed the Confederation to intervene in any state that refused to implement these measures or which was threatened by revolution
When was the Hambach Festival?
30 May 1832
What was the Hambach festival?
a national democratic festival in support of German unity, freedom and democracy
How many people attended the Hambach festival?
30,000 artisan, peasant and students
What was passed due to the Hambach festival?
The Six Articles
What did the Six Articles do?
- increased the Bundestag’s control over the internal affairs over individulal states e.g. universities and press
What was the Zollverein?
- The Prussian Custom Union
When was the Zollverein established?
What was important about the Zollverein?
- all members had a common system of tariffs
- it abolished all internal custom barriers
- excluded Austria which would weaken Austria in the Confederation
What year did Frederick IV become King of Prussia?
What did Frederich IV do to appease Liberals?
- released political prisoners
- relaxed cencorships
- Arranged a provincial Diet to elect representatives to meet as an advisory body
- extended the powers of the provincial diet and allowed them to publish reports of their debates
What year did Frederich IV reimpose press censorship?
When did Frederich IV dissolve the Diet?
In what year did The Hippenhelm meeting happen?
What happened in 1847?
Meeting of liberal representatives in south-western states calling for an elected German national Diet (Assembly) - Hippenhelm Meeting
What did the liberals at the Hippenhelm meeting demand?
- an elected national assembly
- liberation of press