Topic 1 - Nutrients Flashcards
What are the Macronutrients?
What are proteins made up of?
Amino Acids
Why are proteins important?
Essential amino acids cannot be made by the body so must come from the food we eat
What are High Biological Value proteins?
Foods that contain ALL of the essential amino acids
What are Low Biological Value proteins?
Proteins that lack the full amount (20) of amino acids, so must be paired using PROTEIN COMPLEMENTATION
3 Functions of Protein in the Body
Provide Energy
Body substances made from Proteins:
Hormones - growth and repair in body
Enzymes - break down food
Antibodies - fight off infection
HBV Main Sources
Meat, poultry, soya beans, pulses, seeds, fish, dairy (cheese, yogurt etc), quinoa,
LBV Main Sources
Lentils, beans, peas, cereals
Examples of Protein Complementation
Beans on Toast
Rice and Bean Salad
Lentil Soup
Effects of deficiency of protein
Lack of full development
Loss or hair
Unhealthy hair skin and nails
Kwashiorkor (extreme) - bloating belly and thin limbs
Effects of excess protein
Too much nitrogen in the body = affects liver
What is the composition of fats?
Glycerol + 3 Fatty Acids
What are the functions of FAT in the body?
To insulate
To provide energy
To give the body fat soluble vitamins (ADEK)
To protect bones and vital organs
4 types of Fat
Solid animal fats
Solid plant fats
Liquid animals fats oils
Liquid plant oils