TOPIC 1: Introduction to General Ethics and Ethical Values Flashcards
What are the Classification of Contractors in the Philippines?
General Engineering, General Building, Specialty
Examples of General Engineering
GE-1 (Road, Highways, Pavement, Railways,
Airport Horizontal Structure, and Bridges)
GE-2 (Irrigation or Flood Control)
GE-3 (Dam, Reservoir or Tunneling)
GE-4 (Water Supply)
GE-5 (Port, Harbor or Offshore Engineering)
Examples of General Building
GB-1 (Building or Industrial Plant)
GB-2 (Sewerage or Sewage System)
GB-3 (Water Treatment Plant & System)
GB-4 (Park, Playground or Recreational
Examples of Specialty
SP-FW (Foundation Work)
SP-SS (Structural Steel Work)
SP-CC (Concrete Pre-casting, Pre-Stressing
or Post-tensioning)
SP-PS (Plumbing & Sanitary Work)
SP-EE (Electrical Work)
SP-ME (Mechanical Work)
SP-AC (Air-conditioning or Refrigeration)
SP-ES (Elevator or Escalator)
SP-FP (Fire Protection Work)
SP-WP (Waterproofing Work)
SP-PN (Painting Work)
SP-WD (Well-Drilling Work)
SP-CF (Communication Facilities)
SP-MS (Metal Roofing & Siding
SP-SD (Structural Demolition)
SP-LS (Landscaping)
SP-EM (Electro Mechanical Work)
Promotes, accelerates, and regulates
the construction industry. Its
implementing boards are the Philippine
Contractors Accreditation Board
(PCAB), the Philippine Overseas
Construction Board (POCB), the
Philippine Domestic Construction Board
(PDCB), and the Construction Industry
Arbitration Commission (CIAC).
Association of the
Philippines (CIAP)
Contractors Accreditation Board
Philippine Overseas
Construction Board
Philippine Domestic Construction Board
Construction Industry
Arbitration Commission
composed of ex-officio
members from different executive
departments of the Philippine government
such as the Secretary for Trade and
Industry, Secretary for Transportation,
Secretary for Public Works and Highways,
and the Secretary of Department of Labor
and Employment. In addition, PD 1746 also
requires the appointment of a
representative from the private
construction sector to be part of the
Association of the
Philippines (CIAP)
National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
(Presidential Decree No. 1096)
the safe design, installation, and use of
electrical systems in buildings and other
Philippine Electrical Code (PEC)
guidelines for structural design
National Structural Code of the
Philippines (NSCP) - (Association of
Structural Engineers of the
Philippines (ASEP)
code sets out sustainability standards
for the construction of buildings
Philippine Green Building Code
This code provides fire safety
regulations for buildings and structures
Fire Code of the Philippines (Republic Act
No. 9514)
Sets standards for the design and
installation of plumbing systems in buildings
Plumbing Code of the Philippines -
Presidential Decree No. 856 (Sanitation
Accessibility Law
Batas Pambansa Blg. 344
developers to assess and mitigate the
environmental impact of their projects before
construction can begin.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) System
Presidential Decree No. 1586
Regulates the use,
conservation, and protection of water
resources in the country.
Water Code of the Philippines (Presidential
Decree No. 1067)
guidelines to ensure efficient energy use in
building design and operation, promoting
energy conservation.
Philippine Energy Code
These codes are enforced by various
government agencies, including the
Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH), Department of
Energy (DOE), Bureau of Fire
Protection (BFP), and local
government units (LGUs), to ensure
compliance in construction projects
throughout the country.
Enforcing Agencies
moral principles that
govern a person’s behavior or
the conducting of an activity.