Topic 1-identity Of Jesus Flashcards
The ministry of john the baptist
- written in Isaiah the prophet”I will send my messenger ahead of you,who will prepare your way”“a voice of one calling in the wilderness,’prepare the way for the lord,make straight paths for him ‘”
- An so john appeared in the wilderness preaching a baptism of repentance
- All the ppl of jerusalem went to him confessing sins
- Baptised by him in the river jordan
- John wore clothing made of camels hair ,leather belt round his waist,ate locusts n wild honey
- This was his message “After me comes one more powerful than I,the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down an untie.I baptise you with water but he will baptise you with the holy spirit”
Meaning of the ministry of John the baptist
- Preparing the way for the messiah
- predicted in OT
- is telling ppl to turn away form sinful lives
- Baptism isn’t a new idea,it was a jewish ritual which represented a spiritual cleaning
- Mark sees john as a prophet,a second Elijah
The baptism and temptation of Jesus
- Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee
- Baptised by John in the river jordan
- As Jesus was coming out the water the heavens tore open an the spirit descended on him like a dove
- And a voice came from heaven “You are my son,whom I love;with you I am pleased”
- At once the spirit sent him into the wilderness for 40 days where he was tempted by satan
- He was with wild animals an attended to by Angels
Importance of the baptism of Jesus
- Shown as messiah by resisting temptation
- God supports him by sending Angels
- Jesus is strengthened by this an returns to start his mission
- This story shows Christians that Jesus has authority over evil an that God is there to support us when faced with challenges
- Shows that temptation is temporary and that good overcomes evil
Why is Jesus’ baptism important
- Jesus receives the gift of the holy spirit with provides him with the strength he will need on his mission
- Singled out by God and acknowledged as the Son Of God
- Most important words in Mark’s account are the words spoken by God
- They not only show that Jesus is the Son Of God but that Jesus has God’s authority
Belivers baptisim
- Believes that it is important the person knows what they are doing
- Person walks down to a small pool where a minister is waiting and they then are tipped into the water,this is a sign that the old way of life has died
- The person gives a talk to the congregation presnt about their newfound faith
- In such ceremonies Jesus’ baptism is brought to mind
- Some Christians are baptised in a river to recall the river Jordan
Arguments for infant baptism
- Makes a child part of a christian community
- Ensures they will be brought up as a christian
- Entitles a child to other sacraments
- Child is placed under God’s care
- A baptised child will make their owen commitment to God in other sacraments such as confirmation
- Child is initiated into the covenant of Abraham
Arguments for adult baptism
- Jesus and most early Christians were not baptised as babies
- A adult must make their owen commitment to becoming a Christian,this makes religion more meaningful and reduces the number of cafeteria catholics
- God will protect children even if they are not baptised
- People should not be forced into a religion
- More fulfilling as it is based on personal choice which gives them a stronger faith and belief
The calming of the storm
- When evening came Jesus said to his disciples “let us go over to the other side.”
- leaving the crowd behind they took him along,just as he was,in the boat
- There other boats with him
- A furious squall came up and the waves broke over the boat
- Jesus was in the stern sleeping on a cushion
- Disciples woke him and said “Teacher don’t you care if we drown?”
- He got up rebuked the wind an said to the waves “Quiet,be still!”
- The wind died down an it was completely calm
- He said to his disciples “Why are you so afraid?Do you still have no faith?”
- They were terrified and asked each other “who is this man that even the wind and the waves obey him”
The meaning of the calming of the storm
- In the OT God has power over nature,Jesus behaves like God by calming the storm
- This story reminds Christians that at times of panic and distress they should trust in the saving power of Jesus
- This story is about faith in Jesus,it ,ay have had particular significance for Mark’s original readers (early Christians)
- The storm may have represented the troubles early christians were experiencing and the boat represent the Church in which disciples sought refuge
- The leader is led to believe that Jesus really is the Son Of God;the one who saves us from all things that can trouble and harm us
Caesarea Philippi
- Jesus and his disciples went on to villages around Caesarea philippi
- On the way he asked them “who do people say I am”
- They replied “Some say John the baptist;others say John the baptist;and still others,one of the prophets”
- “But what about you” he asked. “Who do you say I am”
- Peter answered “You are the messiah” Jesus warned them not to tell anyone
- He then began to teach them that the Son Of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders,the chief priests and the teachers of the law,and that he must be killed and after 3 days rise again
- He spoke plainly about this,and peter took him aside and began to rebuke him,but when Jesus turned and looked at his disciples,he rebuked Peter “Get behind me,Satan!” He said “You do not have in mind the concerns of God but merely human concerns”
Meaning of Caesarea Philippi
- It is the first that Jesus is identified as the Messiah-God’s anointed one
- Jesus called himself the Son Of Man and predicted for the first time that he would suffer and be killed
- Peter recognises who Jesus is but does not fully understand what type of Messiah he is
- Jesus affirms who he is to his disciples
- Before this Jesus taught and healed publicly with a positive atmosphere,after this event atmosphere was much darker so Jesus avoided crowds ad concentrated on teaching the disciples
- He predicts his death and frightens the disciples
Why did Jesus not want people want people to know he was the Messiah
- Many Jews anticipated a Messiah who would come and defeat the romans,a political warrior king who was a descendant of King David
- Jesus believed he was a suffering servant who was sent to serve God’s people,he was a peaceful,humble Messiah who would be defeated by the Romans
- Jesus wanted people to listen to his teachings about the KOG and not be distracted
- If Jesus had said he was a Messiah the Romans may have arrested him for treason (plotting against him),It would have ended his mission early
Importance for Christians
- Jesus accepting his suffering and death as a part of God’s plan was encouraging for 1 st century Christians facing persecution as they knew their suffering had a purpose even if they couldn’t understand it
- Jesus will be there for us and help us fight against injustice,poverty ect
- Today christians believe that Jesus is the messiah,the christ who was a peaceful man who suffered for us,we too feel experience suffering and believe that through this suffering we became closer to Jesus.It fulfilled OT prophecy
The transfiguration
- After 6 days Jesus took Peter,James and John with him and led them up a high mountain,where they were all alone
- There he was transfigured before them
- His clothes became a dazzling white,whiter than anyone could bleach them
- And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses,who were talking with Jesus
- Peter said to Jesus,”Rabbi,it is good for us to be here.Let us put three shelters-one for you,one for Moses and one for Elijah”(he didn’t know what to say as they were so frightened)
- Then a cloud appeared and covered them,and a voice came from the cloud:”This is my son,who, I love.Listen to him”
- Suddenly,when they looked around,they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus
The meaning of the transfiguration
- Probes that Jesus is the messiah which demonstrates his importance
- He is more than a human,he is omnipotent
- Presence of Elijah and Moses demonstrates that Jesus fulfils the law and the Prophets
- Gives us hope of eternal life as Moses and Elijah have passed away
- Shows that it is possible to experience God without full understanding
The request of james and john
- James an john sons of zebedee,came to him .”Teacher” they said
- “We want you to do for us whatever we ask.”“what do you want me to do for you?”he asked.
- They replied,”Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory”
- “You don’t know what you are asking”Jesus said.”Can you drink from the cup I drink or be baptised with the baptism I am baptised with”
- “We can”they answered.Jesus said to them
- “You will drink from the cup I drink from and be baptised with the baptism I am baptised with,but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant.These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared”
- the 10 became indignant with James and John when they heard this .Jesus called them together and said
- “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them,and their high officials exercise authority over them.Not so with you.Instead,whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant,and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all.For even the son of Man did not come to be served,but to serve,and to give his life as a ransom for man.