Fixture definition
a chose in possession (Chattel) that’s been attached/rests on land in way that it’s lost its legal identity as a separate object and become part of the land
Factors in determining a ‘fixture’
1) degree/mode of annexation (extent of attachment)
2) purpose/object of annexation (objective intent)
IF object attached to land in some way presumed to be
fixture (even if slightly fixed)
It’s a fixture IF
it can’t be removed w/o injury to the land or goods
If object rests by it’s own weight only then it’s presumed to be
a chattel
in determining whether it’s a fixture of chattel BOP rests on
person asserting it’s a fixture/chattel
Fixture scaffold
1) Definition
2) Factors in determining fixture
3) initial presumption
4) Belgrave Nominees test
4) Belgrave Nominees test
was the objective intention of the party fixing the chattel to make it a PERMANENT PART OF THE LAND?
Under Belgrave Nominees test - what can help in determining affixer’s objective intention?
Per Re Cancer Institute of Australia - consider actual intention and degree of annexation
Factors for Belgrave Nominees test
i) nature of chattel
ii) relation and situation of party making annexation visavis person in possession
iii) degree/mode of annexation
iv) PURPOSE for fixing chattel
v) was chattel joined to land for its better use as a chattel /for land’s improvement?
IF a chattel has been affixed in order to steady while it’s in operation then
it’s been installed for the better enjoyment of the chattel not the land (NH Dunn v LM Ericsson)
The fact that the item is used/plays an important role in the business isn’t
itself enough to make it a fixture (Cancer Care)
In Belgrave Nominees were aircon chillers resting by their own weight on a platform on roof attached to building’s electrical and water supply fixtures?
Even tho attachment slight and incorrect, were sufficiently attached to be presumed to be fixtures (chillers installed for better enjoyment of the building not of the chattel, subcontractors didn’t intend to retain ownership of the aircons but installed it for the builder)
In Re Cancer Care Institute of Australia Pty Ltd [2013] were the equipment and frame one single item?
Not a single item, could be used separately, and frame was where the equipment rested and wasn’t part of the equipment.
Even if a single item, equipment didn’t need to become a fixture even though other parts of the machine did.
In Re Cancer Care Institute of Australia Pty Ltd [2013] were teh two linear accelerators fixtures or chattels?
A Chattel - intention determined objectively was that it remained separate from the land.
Cost of removal wouldn’t exceed its value, removal wouldn’t destroy equipment, limited time to remove equipment etc