Topic 1: Chapter 27 Terminology Flashcards
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Chose in Action
Legal standing that allows the enforcement of a right (usually to non-physical property).
Circulating Security Interest
Replaces the old floating charge on the circulating assets of a debtor; non-circulating security interest replace the old fixed charges system.
Company (also known as a corporation)
A distinct legal entity separate from its shareholders.
Company Constitution
The internal rules, created by the company itself, governing the management and members of the company.
Crowd Funding
The ability of an investor to set up an internet platform to raise funds for a boutique enterprise from the public.
A documented promise by a company to repay borrowed money through a security.
A person either appointed or defined to be a director as per s9 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
Disclosing Document
A document that must be prepared by companies offering securities publicly.
Represents the division of a company’s profits among its shareholders.
the carrying out of a duty or proper signing and preparation of a document.
The person appointed to carry out the winding up of a company.
Manage Investment Scheme
The offer to participate in an investment which is not normally defined as a security.
A shareholder of the company, or member of a guarantee company which has no shares.
A person who holds a significant managerial position in the company as defined by s9 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).