Topic 1: Cell Structure Flashcards
A compound called ATP which is called the energy carrier in the cell. It is produced in the mitochondria by aerobic respiration.
Cell Surface Membrane
It is a membrane surrounding the cytoplasm of the cell. It controls what enters and leaves the cell.
Cell Wall
A wall which surrounds the cell surface membrane in prokaryote, plant and fungal cells. It contains strengthening materials which supports and protects the cell from mechanical damage.
One or two small, cylindrical structure found just outside the nucleus in animal cells but are absent from plant cells. They are used in the formation of the spindle fibres during the division of the nucleus
An organelle found in eukaryotic cells where photosynthesis takes place.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
A network of flattened sacs running through the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells; molecules such as proteins can be tranported through the cell inside the sacs separating them from the rest of the cytoplasm. It is continuous with the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope.
Two types:
Rough ER–has ribosomes attached for proteins to be made.
Smooth ER–is where lipids and steriods are made or synthesized in the cell.
Eukaryotic Cell
A cell containing a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles.
Golgi Body
An organelle found in eukaryotic cells which consists of flattened sacs constantly forming at one end near the endoplasmic.
Magnification of a Microscope
The number of times greater that an image is than the actual object;
Magnification = Image Size/Actual (real) Size
A round shaped organelle found in eukaryotic cells which contains digestive enzymes and has a variety of destructive function such as the removal of old organelle..
Tiny tubes made of a protein called tubulin and found in most eukaryotic cells which have a large variety of functions which includes cell support and determining cell shape.
The organelle in eukaryotic cells where aerobic respiration happens.
Nuclear Envelope
Two membranes situated closely together that surrounds the nucleus. The envelope has pores.
this is found within the nucleus. Its function is to make ribosomes.
The largest organelle in eukaryotic cell. It contains the cell’s DNA and controls the activities of the cell.
These are small pores or tiny holes found in the plant cell walls which control passage of materials between cells.
Resolving Power of a Microscope (Resolution)
The ability of a microscope to distinguish between two objects very close together. The higher the resolution of an image. The greater the detail that can be seen.
A tiny organelle found in large numbers in all cells. Prokaryotic Ribosomes (20nm) are smaller than Eukaryotic Ribosomes (25nm).They are where proteins are made or synthesize in a cell.
The membrane surrounding the vacuole.
A large membrane bound organelle found in plant cells which stores biochemical such as salts, sugars and waste protects.
Temporary vacuoles called phagocytic vacuoles or vesicles may form in animal cells.