Topic 1: Atomic structure and the Periodic table Flashcards
What is the relative mass of an electron? and position in the atom?
-Energy levels surrounding the nucleus
What is the relative mass and position in the atom of protons and neutrons?
-In the Nucleus
What is meant by atomic number?
Number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of that element
What is meant by Mass number?
Sum of the protons and number of neutrons in the nucleus of that atom
What are Isotopes?
Atoms with the same amount of protons (same element) different amount of neutrons
Relative atomic mass
The weighted mean mass of an atom of an element compared to 1/12 the mass of an atom of carbon-12
Relative isotopic mass
Mass of an individual atom of an isotope relative to 1/12 the mass of an atom of carbon-12
Molecular ion peak
Peak with the HIGHEST m/z ratio in the mass spectrum
Definition of an Orbital
a region within an atom that can hold up to two electrons with opposite spins
Hund’s rule
electrons will occupy the orbits singly before pairing up
Pauli’s EXCLUSION Principle
Two electrons cannot occupy the same orbital unless they have opposite spins (↑↓)
First Ionisation energy
X(g)➝X+(g) + e-
The energy required to remove an electron from each atom in ONE MOLE of atoms in the GASEOUS state
Second Ionisation Energy
X+(g)➝X2+(g) + e-
The energy required to remove an electron from each +1 charged positive ion in ONE MOLE of positive ions in the GASEOUS state
What 3 Factors influence ionisation energies in an atom?
- proton number
- electron shielding
- electron orbitals (subshells)
What 3 Factors affect the energy of an electron?
- It’s orbital
- Nuclear charge
- Shielding
What is the trend in ionisation energies across a period? Explain why.
- Across a period
- Nuclear charge increases
- This leads to an increased attraction between the nucleus and the electron
- This would mean a decrease in energy for the electron
- Therefore an increase in first ionisation energy
What is the trend in ionisation energies down a group?
- Decreases
- Because of a new quantum shell added
- This increases the electron shielding
- Increasing the distance between the valent electrons and the nucleus
- This decrease the attractive force felt by the further electrons
- This increases the energy of the outermost electron
- Making it easier to remove an electron
Evidence for quantum shells
-Successive ionisation energies
Shape of a s-orbital
Shape and orientations of a p-orbital
Hourglass (3 orientations) (x, y, z)
How many electrons can a s, p, d subshell hold?
s: 2
p: 6
d: 10
What determines the chemical properties of an element?
The electron configuration of the element
Regular repeating pattern of atomic, physical and chemical properties with increasing atomic number