Topic 1 Flashcards
Cohabitation -
Living and being in a relationship without being married
What is the P.U.R.P.O.S.E of marriage in Christianity?
Procreation Union Rearing children Pattern for society One flesh Sacred Endless
What are six main features of a Christian service?
- Priest welcomes couple, acts as the church’s witness
- marriage is a special sacrament, god is part of the marriage
- bible is read and there’s a talk on the nature of marriage
- exchange vows
- exchange rings (endless marriage)
- prayers to god for blessings and help of holy sprit
Divorce -
The legal termination of a marriage
When was the divorce reform act?
Why have divorce numbers dropped?
More people live in cohabitation
What are both Muslim parents responsible for teaching their children?
- Taking them to madrasah school where they will learn the Quran in Arabic
- ummah community
What are Muslim fathers responsible for teaching their children?
Take boys to mosque and teach them about Islam
What are Muslim mothers responsible for teaching their children?
Teaching children what is halal (permitted) and haram (forbidden)
Monogamy -
One husband or wife
Polygamy -
Multiple husbands or wives
Nuclear family -
Two parents and children
Reconstituted family -
Step parents, siblings or half siblings
Pre-marital sex
Sex before marriage
Promiscuity -
Sex without responsibility
Adultery -
Cheating whilst married
Protestant attitudes towards divorce
- People make mistakes
- god forgives sins
- with gods forgiveness people may find happiness in another marriage
- ‘anyone who divorces his wife except for marital unfaithfulness and marries another woman commits adultery’ (Mathew 19:9)
Can Protestants get divorced?
Depends on the view of the vicar
When is divorce allowed in Christianity?
- didn’t understand what they were doing
- forced marriage
- was not consummated
- one was not baptised
How does divorce work in Islam?
The husband can say ‘talaq’ 3 times on 3 seperate occasions with a witness there. After the first time it is said he must was a minimum of 3 months till the next. This is called the Iddah period. A woman can also do this if she signs a contract at beginning of marriage. (In the uk they still have to go to court)
Sacrament -
Outwards sign of an inward blessing
Interfaith marriage -
A marriage where 2 people of different faith/religion get married
Contraception -
Initially preventing pregnancy from occurring
What are the Roman Catholic views of contraception? And why
- Sex should always be open for the possibility of conception
- they allow natural methods
- ‘be fruitful and multiply’ (genesis 1:28)
- encourages promiscuity which leads to STI’s
What is the church of England’s view on contraception? And why
- isn’t seen as a sin
- people who don’t have children are missing out on Gods best intention
- might not be able to look after kids
- don’t like unnatural methods because the equivalent of abortion
Prejudice -
The belief that some people are inferior or superior without even knowing them
Discrimination -
Treating people less because of their ethnicity, gender, race, sexuality , age or class
Sexism -
Discriminating against someone because of there gender
Genesis 1:27
God created man in his own image, in the image of god he created him; male and female he created them
Timothy 2;12
I do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man; she must be silent
Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew or Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus
Corinthians 14:34
Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak
What is the liberal Christians (Protestant) views on women?
Men and women are equal in all areas. Women may be priests in the Church of England
What are the conservatives (roman catholics) views on women?
Women are equal to men but have different roles. Women can not be priests
What is a fundamentalists (evangelical) views on women?
A woman’s role is to be a wife and stay at home
Burqua -
Hijab -
Niqab -
- full length
- scarf that covers head and shoulders
- veil covering face
What is a Christians view to same-sex relationship?
- can not have a child naturally
- bible teaches against it
- better than promiscuity
- should be celibate
- (conservative) its a disorder and they should seek help from god
What is a muslims view on same-sex relationships?
- grave sin
- Shari’ah law is a punishable death
- harmful to health
- impossible
- the qur’an is out dated
Celibate -
No marriage or sexual relationship