topic 1 Flashcards
husband =instrumental role (breadwinner) wife=expressive role ( primary socialisation of
children,meeting families emotional needs home maker) . These are based on biological differences
Parsons (1955)
two types of conjugal roles, segregated conjugal roles=couple have separate roles a male breadwinner and female house wife. Joint conjugal roles= couples share childcare and housework.
Bott (1957)
identified a pattern of segregated conjugal roles in their traditional working class extended families in bethnal green. 1950s
young and willmott
symmetrical family- see family as gradually improving for all members. husband and wives roles now more similar. eg. men now help w/ housework and childcare, women now go to work, couple spend leisure time together.
young and willmott
AO3- young and willlmotts claims are exaggerated family is not symmetrical
found evidence of husbands helping butt not symmetry only 15% participated in housework 25% in childcare.
found in 2012 men did 8 hours of housework a week and women did 13 hours. similarly, men spent 10 hours taking care of family members a week women spent 23 hours.
British social attitudes survey
argues women working full-time leading to a more equal division of labour in the home.
found a fall in the number of people who thought it was the mans job to earn money. in 1984, 45% of men and 41% of women agreed 2013, 13% of men 12% women
British social attitudes survey 2013
argues although father may help perform specific tasks its the mother who takes responsibility for the childs security and well being
Boulton 1983
found fathers took responsibility for childcare in less than 4% of families
ferri and smith 1996
women often required to perform ‘emotion work’ where theyre responsible for managing emotions and feelings of family members.
Hochschild 2013
argue women have to perform a ‘tripple shift’ of housework, paid work and emotion work.
Duncombe and Marsden 1995
found that lsbian couples had more symmetrical relationships because of the absence of the traditional hetrosexual ‘gender scripts’.
Dunne 1999
found that better paid mc women more likely to by commercially produced products and and services. eg. labour saving devices, ready meals, domestic help and childcare.
Arber and Ginn 1995
two main types of control over family income: allowance system men give wives an allowance which they budget to meet family needs and keeps surplus for himself. Pooling joint access to income and joint responsibility to expendeture eg. joint bank account
Pahl and Volger 1993
study of professional couples found that very important decisions eg. moving house were taken by the husband or joint, important decisions eg. where to go on holiday were made jointly, less important decisions eg. childrens clothes made by wife
Edgell 1980
defines domestic violence as any incedent of coercive or threatening behaviour violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over or have been intimate partners/family members
the home office 2013
found on average a woman suffers 35 assults before making a report.
police officers not prepared to become involved in the family due to the fact its a private sphere so access by the state is limited, family is a good thing state neglect the darker side.
all societies have been founded on patriachy. Men are the enemy: they are the opressers and exploiters of women.
Millet and Firestone 1970
AO3- not all men are agressive and most are opposed to domestic violence.
sees domestic violence as a result of stress of family members caused by social inequality
Wilkinson and Pickett
AO3- found that by 1995 70% of couples said they had an equal say in decisions. significantly, though they found that women who were high earners were more likely to have a say
found that same sex couples placed no importance on who controlled the money and were more than happy for their partner to take on this role as there is greater freedom in same sex couples to do what suits them as a couple due to the absence of gendered stereotypes
smart 2007