Topic 1 Flashcards
net working capital
current assets less current liabilities.
capital budgeting
the process of planning and managing a firm’s investment in non-current assets.
capital (or financial) structure
the mix of debt and equity maintained by a firm.
agency problem
the possibility of conflicts of interest between the shareholders and management of a film
someone other than a shareholder or debt-holder who potentially has a claim on a firm
money markets (dealer markets)
financial markets where short-term debt securities are bought and sold
capital markets
financial markets where long-term debt and equity securities are bought and sold
primary market
a market for new issues of securities where cash proceeds go to the issuer of the security.
secondary market
the market where previously issued securities are traded.
critical (adj) /ˈkrɪt.ɪ.kəl/
of the greatest importance to the way things might happen:
The president’s support is critical (to this project).
annuity (CN) /əˈnjuː.ə.ti/
a fixed amount of money paid to someone every year, usually until their death, or the insurance agreement or investment that provides the money that is paid:
an annuity policy
annuity income
She receives a small annuity