Topic 1 Flashcards
Normal blood circulation is maintained by a system of checks and balances
- preservation of blood fluidity
- ability to seal off any site of bleeding
Anticoagulant factors are released by
Endothelial cells
(prostacyclin, vascular plasminogen activator)
-These tend to be released from the lining of the vascular garden hose
Procoagulant factors include
platelets and plasma proteins – inactive state (zymogen)
-These tend to be released when the lining of that vascular garden hose gets disrupted
Three Phase Model includes
Phase I: Initiation- In vivo
The activity of the FVIIa/TF (Tissue Factor) complex is THE most significant event to initiate coagulation
Phase I: Initiation-
Activation of FVII
Vascular damage exposes TF (a membrane-bound protein) to plasma. TF is both a receptor and cofactor for FVII. When the zymogen FVII binds TF it converts to FVIIa and forms the FVIIa/TF complex.
Phase I: Initiation-
After the FVIIa/TF complex activates the FIX and FX zymogens…. then…
FXa formed on the TF-bearing cell interacts with cofactor Va to form a prothrombinase complex and generates a very small amount of “priming” thrombin on the surface of TF-bearing cells. FXa remains on the cell surface
Phase I: Initiation-
When does FIXa not interact further with the TF-bearing cell and is no longer involved in Phase I: Initiation
After the priming thrombin is formed.
However, if tissue injury occurrs and activates near by platelets, FIXa will diffuse to those platelets, bind to their surface, and (in conjunction with cofactor VIIIa) activate zymogen FX to FXa
Phase I: Initiation-
TF-bearing cells appear to bind to
FVIIa and low levels of FIXa and FXa even in the absence of injury but are separated from the Phase II: Amplification components by the normally intact blood vessel wall.
Whats the signal for Phase II: Amplification
The thrombin generated on the TF-bearing cell serves as the “signal” for Phase II: Amplification to begin
Phase II: Amplification-
When sufficient thrombin (FIIa) is generated on or adjacent to TF-bearing cells…then…
platelets are activated
NOTE: At this point there is not nearly a sufficient amount of thrombin to cause formation of a clot
Phase II: Amplification-
The small amount of TF-bearing cell-generated thrombin activates…
Activates platelets
Activates FVa from FV
Activates FVIIIa and dissociates it from vWF
Activates XIa from XI
Phase III: Propagation-
First step is…
The production of vast amounts of thrombin on the surface of activated platelets
Phase III: Propagation-
When vascular injury occurs, platelets leave the blood vessel…then…
bind to collagen/vWF/blood vessel wall receptors and are activated by a combination of those factors and the “priming” dose of thrombin
-This adherence of platelets to the damaged tissue is the first step in the formation of the platelet “plug” necessary for primary hemostasis
Phase III: Propagation-
The newly-activated platelets bind to…
FVa and FVIIIa
FIXa is freshly-liberated by the FVIIa/TF complex
Phase III: Propagation-
Freshly-generated XIa binds to…
the freshly-activated platelet (effectively bypassing the need for FXIIa). Membrane-bound FXIa keeps on activating FIX to FIXa
Phase III: Propagation-
FVIIIa and co-factor FIXa form
platelet tenase complex (PTC)
Phase III: Propagation-
The PTC activates even more…
FX to FXa.
Phase III: Propagation-
FXa combines with FVa to form
Prothrombinase complex
Phase III: Propagation-
The XaVa “Prothrombinase” complex causes…
the EXPLOSIVE burst of thrombin that helps produce a stable fibrin clot
Arterial circulation requires
rapid response system to seal off any bleeding sites.
-platelets take leading role followed by fibrin formation
Venous circulation has a
slower response.
-rate of thrombin generation takes leading role
Arterial circulation uses what to prevent coronary thrombosis
antiplatelet agents
Venous circulation uses what to prevent deep venous thrombosis
antithrombin agents
What Happens When An Arterial Blood Vessel Is Damaged? (7)
- Vascular constriction
- Platelet adhesion
- Platelet activation- formation of the platelet plug
- Activation of cell-based coagulation cascade- formation of fibrin clot
- Clot retraction
- Activation of fibrinolytic cascade
- Vessel repair / regeneration
Vascular Constriction is seen when
blood vessel itself is injured
-persistent constriction of the smooth muscles
Vascular Constriction is most prominent following
severe crushing type injuries
Describe the smooth muscle layers typically found in blood vessels
- Tunica Intima -contains the endothelium
- Tunica Media- circularly arranged smooth muscle cells and sheets of elastin. Maintains blood pressure and continuous blood circulation
- Tunica Externa- loosely woven collagen fibers
protect and reinforce the vessel, and anchor it to surrounding structures
Main Platelet Adhesion - PROBLEM
Shear stress along vessel wall
Shear stress inversely related to
flow velocity
Shear stress values at vessel wall for large arteries
Shear stress values at vessel wall for arterioles
Shear stress opposes any tendency of flowing blood to clot because it
- limits time available for procoagulant reactions to occur
2. displaces cells or proteins not tightly bound to the vessel wall
Platelets are able to adhere to cell walls despite shear stress because
platelets are pushed to vessel perimeter by larger erythrocytes & leukocytes (coaxial migration)
Platelet Adhesion-
Adhesion must occur very
rapidly – i.e. instantaneously
Platelet Adhesion-
“Capture” depends on several binding sites:
- subendothelial molecules of vWf and collagen
- platelet surface receptor: Glycoprotein Ib (GPIb)