topic 1:20 intro to microeconomics Flashcards
definitions and whatnots
situation in which available resources or factors of production are finite compared to infinite wants, resulting in there not being enough resources to produce everything that human beings need and want.
maintaining the ability of the environment and the economy to continue to produce and satisfy needs and wants into the future.
all natural resources, including all agricultural and non-agricultural land, and everything under or above the land.
physical and mental effort that people contrubute to the production of goods and services.
man-made factors of production used to produce final goods and services.
special human skill possessed by some people, involving the ability to innovate by developing new ways of doing things, and organising the three FOP and taking on the risks/successes of a new busisness.
opportunity cost
value of the next best alternative given up or sacrificed to obtain something else, as a result of scarcity.
resource allocation
assigning available FOP to specific uses chosen among many possible alternatives.
fully utilising the available FOP in a manner that avoids waste, using the resources to produce the maximum quantity of finished goods.
differing levels of government intervention
command approach (planned economy) vs market approach (free market economy) in between, mixed economy (combination of
command approach to economy
refers to a planned economy where the FOP are under public sector resource ownership (govt) and economic decisions are made and goods are allocated by the government. rationing is based on non-price rationing functions.
market approach to economy
refers to free market economy where FOP are under private sector ownership, and the goods are allocated entirely accordingly to free market forces. rationing is based on price rationing functions
mixed economy
is a combination of free market allocation and government allocation of resources in an economy
production possibilities curve. a model used to illustrate the relationship between FOP and two competing goods. it illustrates the concepts of scarcity, choice, opportunity cost, and efficiency
movements along curve in FOP
shows changes resource allocation to produce finished g&s. due to changes in choices about how scarce resources are allocated to the production of finished g&s