topic 1 Flashcards
the relationship of the family to the social structure and social change, with particular reference to the economy and to state policies
What does Murdock suggest?
Functionalist - 4 functions of the family - sexual, reproduction, socialisation and economic
What does Parsons suggest?
Functionalist - 2 functions of the family - primary socialisation of children and stabilisation of adult personalities
What does Fletcher suggest?
The family has lost many of its functions due to a lack of responsibilities.
What does Engels suggest?
Marxist - Wives are seen as similar to prostitutes as they provide sex in exchange for economic security from their husband.
What does Althusser suggest?
Marxist - Capitalism requires the working class to submit to the ruling class with the family being a key ideological state apparatus. False class consciousness is through the family.
What does Zaretsky suggest?
Marxist - Family is an escape route from work related oppression as men enjoy a personal life with family which helps them cope with their daily struggles.
What does Oakley suggest?
Feminist - the family is a place of work
What does Greer suggest?
Radical feminist - Contemporary society is highly exploitative with men exercising control over women through domestic violence.
What does Delpy and Leonard suggest?
Marxist feminist - The family serves as a safety valve.
What does Fran Ansley suggest?
Women are the takers of shit.
What does Hakim suggest?
Women’s inequality in the house may be due to personal choices.
What does Baudrillard and Lyotard suggest?
The key features of the contemporary society is diversity and consumer choice.
What does Barrett and McIntosh suggest?
The stereotype of the cereal packet family is patriarchal, harmful and anti-social.
What does Leach suggest?
The modern nuclear family has become isolated, leading to emotional stress and conflict.
What does Lang, Esterson and cooper suggest?
Families can be destructive and exploitative, suppressing individuality leading to obedience and authority and contributing to mental illness.