Topic 1 Flashcards
3 considerations for Changing to a New System
- The extent of the change
- Limitations of the new system. What can the new system not do that the old one could?
- Implications on the workforce in an organization during the change to the new system
3 difficulties in changing to a new software system
- Users don’t want to learn how to use the new system
- Data loss
- Expensive
Direct Changeover (Changing Systems)
Old system stops, then new system starts
Parallel (Changing Systems)
Old and new system run simultaneously - any new data is entered into both systems
Pilot (Changing Systems)
New system tested with small part of organization, bugs are fixed, then expanded into rest of the organization
Phased (Changing systems)
New system is introduced in phases of features, gradually phasing out the old system
Pros and Cons Direct Changeover
- Changeover is quick. New system can be immediately used.
- Since the old system is immediately made redundant, there isn’t a backup system if the new system has problems
Pros and Cons of Parallel
- There is a backup system if the new one has problems
- You can compare outputs of new system to old system to verify that the new system is working correctly
- Running both systems is expensive
Pros and Cons Pilot
- All features are tested to see if they function before being used by the whole organization.
- Staff who are part of pilot can train others after
- If there is failure, only a small part of the organization suffers
- No backup system for pilot group in case of failure
Pros and Cons Phased
- Allows people to gradually get used to the new system
- Training can be done in stages rather than all at once
- If system fails, there is no backup for the parts of the system that have been phased in
Data Migration (Changing Systems)
When we are switching systems, we have to move data from one system to another. This can be a huge system depending on the amount of data being transferred.
3 possible problems during data migration when switching systems
- Incompatible File Formats
- Different data structures
- Validation rules
Legacy System Definition
Old technology, computer system or application that is outdated/no longer supported but still in use.
Software as a service. Software that is paid for in a subscription fee style and can be used on any computer via the internet.
Local vs Remote SAAS
Local - Runs on your computer
Remote - Accessed through a web browser