TOPIC 1 Flashcards
The Preamble of the constitution
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America.
What does the preamble do
It defines the purpose of the constitution
Article I
Legislative Branch, organizations, power and restraints
Executive branch-Powers, duties, restraint, and election of the president
Article III
Executive branch- Powers, duties, restraints, and definition of treason
Article IV
Relation of the states to each other and to the federal government, guarantees to the states, and government of the territories
Article V
Method of amending the constitution. Guarantee of equal representation of states in the U.S Senate
Article VI
Provision for national debts. Supremacy of the United States Constitution, federal laws and treaties. Pledge of national and state officials to uphold the constitution. No religious test required as qualification for public office.
Article VII
Method of ratification of the constitution
bill of rights #1 (1791)
The freedom of religion, speech, press, petition and assembly
Bill of right #2
Right to bear arms
Bill of right #3
Limitation on the quarteront it soldiers in private homes
Bill of right #4
Limitations on search and seizure
Bill of right #5
Criminal proceedings: due process, eminent domain, no double jeopardy, right to no self-incrimination
Bill of right #6
Right to a fair, speedy, and public trail